OAR 736-001-0030
Fees for Public Records

Fees to recover costs in making public records available for inspection may be charged by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department:


Fees, shall be based on actual costs for personnel, materials, and record delivery and shall be as follows:


Photocopies, black-and-white or color, any size: current rate on the Oregon Department of Adminstrative Services printing and distribution price list;


Digital media: based on current statewide office supply price agreement;


Mailing or shipping costs: actual costs.


Administrative, office specialists, other support staff: $25/hour.


Program and mid-management staff: $40/hour.


Professional, high-level management, and executive staff: $75/hour.


Third party fees: actual costs.
(2) The Department may furnish records without charge or at a reduced fee if the Director or designee determines that the waiver or reduction of fees is in the public interest because making the record available primarily benefits the general public.


Reduced rates shall waive fees for 30 minutes of staff time.


After waiving staff fees for the first 30 minutes, a reduced staff rate shall apply.
(A) Reduced rate administrative, office specialists, other support staff: $20/hour.
(B) Reduced rate program and mid-management staff: $32/hour.
(C) Reduced rate Professional, high-level management, and executive staff: $60/hour.

Source: Rule 736-001-0030 — Fees for Public Records, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=736-001-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 736-001-0030’s source at or​.us