OAR 808-004-0250
Exclusion of Certain Damages from Award


Except as provided in section (2) of this rule and subject to OAR 808-008-0420 (Time, Form, and Scope of Award; Limitation on Award), an order of the board or arbitration award for monetary damages in a claim, including but not limited to an order of the Board arising from a court judgment, award or decision by a court, arbitrator or other entity may not include an award for:


Attorney fees;


Court costs;




Costs to pursue litigation or the claim;


Service charges or fees; or


An order by the board or arbitration award for monetary damages that are payable from the respondent’s bond required under ORS 671.690 (Surety bond, letter of credit or other security) may include an award for attorney fees, costs, interest or other costs as follows:


An order or arbitration award in an owner claim may include interest expressly allowed as damages under a contract that is the basis of the claim.


An order in a construction lien claim may include attorney fees, court costs, interest and service charges allowed under OAR 808-004-0530 (Construction Lien Claims)(4).

Source: Rule 808-004-0250 — Exclusion of Certain Damages from Award, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=808-004-0250.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 808-004-0250’s source at or​.us