OAR 808-040-0025
Continued Education Programs

In order to qualify for CEH credit under these rules, a CEH program must be a formal program or board approved program of learning that contributes directly to the professional competence of the licensee


Eligible Programs and Activities. The following programs will qualify for CEH credit provided they also meet the requirements of section (2) through (5) of this rule:


Programs presented by national, state or local landscape industry organizations.


Programs offered by a business to licensees.


Programs sponsored by organizations that provide professional educational programs.


Correspondence courses or other individual independent study programs and activities do not qualify for CEH credit unless both the CEH sponsor and the specific CEH program or activity are approved by the Board prior to the offering of, presentation of, attendance of, or participation in the program or activity.


Sponsored Program and Activity requirements. Sponsored CEH programs must meet the following requirements to qualify for CEH credit:


An outline of the program is prepared in advance and preserved;


The program must cover at least one of the topic areas listed in 808-040-0040 (Acceptable Subject Matter);


The program is at least one hour (fifty-minute period) in length;


A record of attendance is maintained by the provider;


The program is conducted by a qualified instructor or presenter whose background, training, education or experience qualifies the person to teach or lead a discussion on the subject matter of the particular program.


Evidence of completion is provided to participating licensees in the form of a certificate that must include:


Name of sponsoring institution, association or organization;


Title of the presentation;


Name of instructor or presenter;


Date of presentation;


Type of CEH;


Number of approved CEH; and


Signature of the instructor or presenter or official stamp of the sponsor signifying attendance and/or completion of the course.


Correspondence and Independent Study courses. Correspondence courses or other individual independent study programs and activities must meet the following requirements to qualify for CEH credit:


An outline of the program is prepared in advance and preserved;


The program must cover at least one of the topic areas listed in 808-040-0040 (Acceptable Subject Matter);


The program is at least one hour (fifty-minute period) in length;


A record of attendance is maintained by the provider; and


The provider of the correspondence or independent study course is a qualified instructor or presenter whose background, training, education or experience qualifies the person to teach or lead a discussion on the subject matter of the particular course.


Volunteering. Education opportunities that engage the licensee in volunteering must meet the following requirements to qualify for CEH credit:


One CEH credit is allowed for every three hours of qualifying volunteer work;


The maximum CEH credit allowed for volunteering under this section may not exceed 4 hour in a two year period;


Providing a not-for-profit service to local or state entities for the enhancement and preservation of the environment to natural resources through landscape planning, installation and maintenance.


Teaching and Presenting. Activities that engage the licensee in teaching and presenting courses must meet the following criteria to qualify for CEH credit:


The licensee must be an actively licensed landscape construction professional;


The licensee must have a minimum of five (5) years landscape related experience;


An outline of the course is prepared in advance and preserved;


The course must cover at least one of the topic areas listed in 808-040-0040 (Acceptable Subject Matter);


The course is at least one hour (fifty-minute period) in length;


A record of attendance is maintained by the licensee;


The course is presented for an education provider; a school, university or college; a landscape contracting business, or any industry related organization or association


CEH credit is allowed for each 50 minute period completed as an instructor or discussion leader of the subject material;


CEH credit for preparation and research time allowed for an instructor, discussion leader, or a speaker shall be calculated on the basis of two CEH hours of preparation and research in the CEH type of the presentation for each hour of presenting or teaching.


The maximum CEH credit allowed for preparation and research under this section must not exceed one-half of the total number of CEH hours required for the renewal period;


Preparation and research CEH may be available one time only for teaching a course or making a presentation. CEH credit may be allowed for additional preparation and research if the substantive content of the program was substantially changed and the licensee provides evidence that such change required significant additional study or research.

Source: Rule 808-040-0025 — Continued Education Programs, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=808-040-0025.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 808-040-0025’s source at or​.us