OAR 811-015-0030
Chiropractic Obstetrics, Minor Surgery, and Proctology


A Minor Surgery/ Proctology Review Committee may be appointed by the Board. Members will serve at the pleasure of the Board. The committee may review the applications and rotation plans. The committee will review the results of the rotation and make a recommendation to the Board regarding the certification. The committee may advise the Board on all issues related to minor surgery and proctology.


A chiropractic physician licensed in Oregon who wishes to practice minor surgery and/or proctology must apply to, and receive from, the Board a certification of special competency in minor surgery and/or proctology. To receive and maintain certification, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:


Give written application to the Board to practice minor surgery and/or proctology, provide evidence of completion of 36 hours of undergraduate or postgraduate coursework in minor surgery/proctology, and propose a plan to complete a rotation for practical experience in not less than 25 minor surgery/proctology cases. The purpose of the rotation is to learn and demonstrate competencies, as determined by the Board, under the guidance of one or more supervising licensed physicians. The numbers of procedures required in each of these areas will be determined by the Board.


The rotation must include no less than five cases where all aspects of the cases are performed solely by the chiropractic physician, and observed by the supervising licensed physician.


The remainder of the rotation not covered in paragraph (A) shall consist of cases where the chiropractic physician observes and/or assists.


Adequate documentation of the chiropractic physician’s participation in all cases is required on forms provided by, and returned to, the Board, and signed by the supervising licensed physician. It is required the rotation be completed within one year.


In lieu of eight (8) hours of the continuing education requirement, a chiropractic physician may document performance or observation of twelve (12) minor surgery/proctology procedures every three years. Reasonable documentation of the procedure or observation is a copy of the patient schedule and/or patient billing or other patient record with the patient name redacted which indicates the type of procedure and date performed.


A chiropractic physician who is also licensed in Oregon as a doctor of naturopathy may make written application to practice minor surgery and proctology. The application may be approved by the Board if the chiropractic physician can demonstrate their naturopathic training and experience is equivalent to that required under section (2).


A chiropractic physician licensed in Oregon who wishes to practice obstetrics must apply to and receive from the Board a certification of special competency in obstetrics. To receive and maintain certification, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements:


Successfully complete at least 200 hours of direct instruction hours at an approved chiropractic, naturopathic, medical, osteopathic college or hospital in obstetrics and furnish a signed log showing evidence that subsections (b) and (c) of this section have been completed under the direct supervision of a licensed practitioner with specialty training in obstetrics and/or natural childbirth;


Take part in the care of 50 women in both the prenatal (including obstetrics intakes) and postnatal periods;


Observe and assist in the intrapartum care and delivery of 50 natural childbirths in a hospital or alternative birth setting. These births must be under the supervision of a licensed practitioner with specialty training in obstetrics and/or natural childbirth. A labor and delivery that starts under the care of someone licensed to assist in childbirth and includes hospitalization shall count as a birth.


Pass a certification exam in obstetrics and gynecology given by or approved by the Board.


Submit annually, at the time certificate holders submit their general continuing education hours, 15 hours of Board approved continuing education in obstetrics. Seven (7) of the fifteen (15) hours in obstetrics may be used to satisfy OAR 811-015-0025 (Continuing Chiropractic Education)(4). Every other year, an approved class in neonatal resuscitation shall be part of this continuing education requirement.


Licensing action by the Board under ORS 684 shall be deemed to have an equal effect upon a certificate of special competency issued the practitioner, unless specifically provided otherwise in the Board action.


When the subject of a disciplinary proceeding relates specifically to the practice of minor surgery, proctology, or obstetrics by a licensee who possesses a certificate of special competency, the license action may, in lieu of affecting the entire scope of the licensee’s practice, suspend, revoke, or curtail only the practitioner’s authority under the certificate of special competency.


To address emergency or other circumstances which indicate the use of substances or procedures not authorized for use by chiropractic physicians, a plan to access these must be developed in a timely fashion and entered in the patient’s chart.


Notwithstanding section (4), a chiropractic physician may obtain a license as a direct entry midwife from the Board of Direct Entry Midwifery. Any chiropractic physician licensed as a naturopathic physician and certified in natural childbirth by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Examiners, may also practice natural childbirth/obstetrics as a chiropractic physician to the extent allowed by ORS 684.

Source: Rule 811-015-0030 — Chiropractic Obstetrics, Minor Surgery, and Proctology, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 811-015-0030’s source at