OAR 818-021-0070
Continuing Education — Dental Hygienists

(1) Each dental hygienist must complete 24 hours of continuing education every two years. An Expanded Practice Permit Dental Hygienist shall complete a total of 36 hours of continuing education every two years. Continuing education (C.E.) must be directly related to clinical patient care or the practice of dental public health.
(2) Dental hygienists must maintain records of successful completion of continuing education for at least four licensure years consistent with the licensee’s licensure cycle. (A licensure year for dental hygienists is October 1 through September 30.) The licensee, upon request by the Board, shall provide proof of successful completion of continuing education courses.
(3) Continuing education includes:
(a) Attendance at lectures, dental study groups, college post-graduate courses, or scientific sessions at conventions.
(b) Research, graduate study, teaching or preparation and presentation of scientific sessions. No more than six hours may be in teaching or scientific sessions. (Scientific sessions are defined as scientific presentations, table clinics, poster sessions and lectures.)
(c) Correspondence courses, videotapes, distance learning courses or similar self-study course, provided that the course includes an examination and the dental hygienist passes the examination.
(d) Continuing education credit can be given for volunteer pro bono dental hygiene services provided in the state of Oregon; community oral health instruction at a public health facility located in the state of Oregon; authorship of a publication, book, chapter of a book, article or paper published in a professional journal; participation on a state dental board, peer review, or quality of care review procedures; successful completion of the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination, taken after initial licensure; or test development for clinical dental hygiene examinations. No more than 6 hours of credit may be in these areas.
(5) Dental hygienists who hold a Nitrous Oxide Permit must meet the requirements contained in OAR 818-026-0040 (Qualifications, Standards Applicable, and Continuing Education Requirements for Anesthesia Permits: Nitrous Oxide Permit)(11) for renewal of the Nitrous Oxide Permit.

Source: Rule 818-021-0070 — Continuing Education — Dental Hygienists, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=818-021-0070.

Application for License to Practice Dentistry
Application for License to Practice Dentistry Without Further Examination
Specialties Recognized
Certification as a Specialist
Application to Practice as a Specialist
Temporary Dental License for Spouses or Domestic Partners of Active Duty Armed Forces of the United States Stationed in Oregon
Temporary Dental Hygiene License for Spouses or Domestic Partners of Active Duty Armed Forces of the United States Stationed in Oregon
Application for License to Practice Dental Hygiene
Application for License to Practice Dental Hygiene Without Further Examination
State and Nationwide Criminal Background Checks, Fitness Determinations
Dismissal from Examination
Examination Review Procedures
Community Health Experience for Dental and Dental Hygiene Students
Continuing Education — Dentists
Continuing Education — Dental Hygienists
Renewal of License
Renewal or Reinstatement of Expired License
Volunteer License
Retirement of License
Resignation of License
Competency Examination
Reinstatement Following Revocation
Display of Licenses
Application Valid for 180 Days
Reapplication Following Denial of Licensure
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 818-021-0070’s source at or​.us