OAR 820-005-0085
Technician Work

“Technician work” means the time spent on work where the personal responsibility and technical knowledge required are small; that is, where the individual performance of a task, set and supervised by others, is all that is required. It shall also include all time spent in work before an applicant is 18 years old. “Technician work” does not include engineering work as described in OAR 820-005-0036 (Engineering — Work), land surveying work as described in OAR 820-005-0051 (Land Surveying — Work), or photogrammetric work as described in OAR 820-005-0066 (Photogrammetric — Work). Engineering “technician work” includes, but is not limited to, work as an inspector, a laboratory assistant, a design assistant, a survey technician, or a draftsperson. Land Surveying “technician work” includes, but is not limited to, work as a survey technician, a draftsperson, an instrument plotter, or computation work under close supervision and not requiring the exercise of judgment in survey or map design, or decisions on boundary location. Photogrammetric mapping “technician work” includes but is not limited to, work as a photogrammetric mapping technician to perform technical photogrammetric or remote sensing tasks to extract spatial data from photographic imagery, digital imagery or other remotely-sensed data under close supervision and not requiring the exercise of judgment in project design or decisions related to authoritative photogrammetric measurements.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 820-005-0085’s source at or​.us