OAR 836-014-0035
Registration of Legal Expense Organization


A completed registration application. The registration application must be on the form prescribed by the Director.


A statement designating a registered agent and a registered office. The statement must be on the form prescribed by the Director. The requirement under this section is in addition to the filing requirements of other law regarding designation of a registered office and registered agent in the State of Oregon for service of process, notice and demand.


A list of its sales and marketing representatives. The names of the sales and marketing representatives must be submitted on the form prescribed by the Director in OAR 836-014-0030 (Sales Representatives).


A Financial Statement. The statement must follow the form prescribed by the Director in OAR 836-014-0015 (Annual Financial Statement) and comply with 836-014-0015 (Annual Financial Statement), except for the filing date.


The provider agreement forms used or to be used in this state;


The membership agreement forms delivered or issued or to be delivered or issued in this state;


The schedule of rates charged or to be charged members in this state for each type of agreement or plan.


The geographical area in which business is intended to be done in the first five years;


The types of plans intended to be written in the first five years, including specification whether and to what extend indemnity rather than service benefits are to be provided;


The proposed marketing methods;


Data affirmatively demonstrating the anticipated income and expenses of the organization in the first five years, including, without limitation, the projected expenditures for legal services and the projected source of funds to make up any anticipated deficits. Except as provided in this subsection, the data must b documented and verified by an actuary or a person who has the background for the practice of actuarial science. If, however, the applicant legal expense organization provides or will provide service rather than indemnity benefits, the documentation and verification may be made instead by an executive employee of the applicant who has at least four years of experience in the design, pricing and administration of legal expense or similar plans. The executive employee must also document and certify in the application that the applicant has provider agreements in force, subject to issuance of a certificate of registration, adequate to provide the covered legal services throughout the geographic area in which business is intended to be done. The Director may require the applicant to furnish, in support of its application, publicly available data regarding the costs and benefits of comparable plans in this state and elsewhere.


Evidence of the deposit or surety bond required by ORS 750.685 (Indemnification insurance or bond required) and in accordance with OAR 836-014-0020 (Deposits) or 836-014-0025 (Bond).


A statement of the incorporators, directors and officers, which provides the names of all incorporators and proposed directors and officers of the legal service organization, and all of their addresses and occupations for the preceding five years.


A certified copy of the articles and by-laws, partnership agreement, or the association agreement and association by-laws.


A copy of all contracts with principals including a copy of all agreements relating to the legal service organization to which any incorporator or proposed director or officer is a party.


A statement of the amount and sources of the funds available for organization expenses and the proposed arrangements for reimbursement and compensation of incorporators or other persons.


A statement of compensation of all principals and all corporate officers and directors, or partners, or other principal as it relates to the applicant’s operation as a legal service organization.
[ED. NOTE: Forms referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 836-014-0035 — Registration of Legal Expense Organization, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=836-014-0035.

Purpose, Authority and Effective Date
Applicability and Scope
Required Capitalization
Annual Financial Statement
Sales Representatives
Registration of Legal Expense Organization
Amendments to Registration
Renewal of Legal Expense Organization Registration
Unfair Trade Practice
Actuarial Certification
Statutory Authority and Implementation
License Fees
Life Settlement Provider License Requirements
Life Settlement Investment Agent Licensing Requirements
Renewal Requirements
Filing Requirements, Life Settlement Contracts and Disclosure Statement Forms
Contents of Life Settlement Contracts
Rights and Duties of Parties to Life Settlement Contract
Request to Insurer for Verification of Coverage
Response by Insurer
Standards for Evaluation of Reasonable Payments
Disclosure Required
Disclosures to Insurer
Contacts by Life Settlement Provider or Broker
Advertising Standards
Reporting Requirements
Requirements for Brokers
Disclosures Required by Life Insurers
Unfair Trade Practices
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 836-014-0035’s source at or​.us