OAR 847-070-0005

As used in the rules regulating the practice of acupuncture:


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“Acupuncture” means an Oriental health care practice used to promote health and to treat neurological, organic or functional disorders by the stimulation of specific points on the surface of the body by the insertion of needles. “Acupuncture” includes the treatment method of moxibustion, as well as the use of electrical, thermal, mechanical or magnetic devices, with or without needles, to stimulate acupuncture points and acupuncture meridians and to induce acupuncture anesthesia or analgesia.


The practice of acupuncture also includes the following modalities as authorized by the Oregon Medical Board:


Traditional and modern Oriental Medical and acupuncture techniques of diagnosis and evaluation;


The use of Oriental pharmacopoeia, vitamins, minerals and dietary advice.


“Board” means the Oregon Medical Board for the State of Oregon.


“Clinical training” means supervised clinical training which consists of diagnosis and actual patient treatment which includes insertion of acupuncture needles.


“Committee” means the Acupuncture Advisory Committee.


“Licensed Acupuncturist” means an individual authorized by the Board to practice acupuncture pursuant to ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture).


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“Oriental massage” means methods of manual therapy, including manual mobilization, manual traction, compression, rubbing, kneading and percussion, with or without manual implements, for indications including limited range of motion, muscle spasm, pain, scar tissue, contracted tissue and soft tissue swelling, edema and inflammation, as described in instructional programs and materials of Oriental or Asian health care.


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Oriental massage as practiced in Oregon does not include high-velocity, short-amplitude, manipulative thrusting procedures to the articulations of the spine or extremities.


Oriental massage as practiced in Oregon does not include internal pelvic massage (intravaginal, intra-anal, or intra-rectal) or genital massage.


“Physician” means an individual licensed to practice medicine as a medical doctor or doctor of osteopathic medicine pursuant to ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture).
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-070-0005’s source at or​.us