OAR 851-045-0040
Scope of Practice Standards for All Licensed Nurses


Practice within the laws and rules governing the practice of nursing at the level the nurse is licensed;


Ensure competency in the cognitive and technical aspects of a nursing intervention or a nursing procedure prior to its performance; and


Self-regulate one’s professional practice by:


Adhering to professional practice and performance standards;


Practicing within the context of care; and


Removing one’s self from practice when unable to practice with professional skill and safety.


Establish, communicate, and maintain professional boundaries.


Acquire and maintain the competency necessary to properly use the informatics and technologies of the practice setting; and


Advocate for the use of informatics and technologies that are compatible with the safety, dignity, and rights of the client.


The licensee may accept and implement orders from a licensed independent practitioner (LIP) authorized by Oregon statute to independently diagnose and treat:


Clinical nurse specialist licensed under ORS Chapter 678 (Nurses);


Certified registered nurse anesthetist licensed under ORS Chapter 678 (Nurses);


Nurse practitioner licensed under ORS Chapter 678 (Nurses);


Medical doctor (MD) licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture);


Doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture);


Doctor of podiatric medicine licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture);


Dentist licensed under chapter ORS 679;


Naturopathic physician licensed under ORS Chapter 685 (Naturopathic Physicians);


Optometrist licensed under ORS Chapter 683 (Optometrists);


Chiropractor physician licensed under ORS Chapter 684 (Chiropractors);


MD volunteer emeritus license licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture); and


DO volunteer emeritus license licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture).


May accept and implement orders for client care and treatment from a Physician Assistant (PA) licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture), provided that the name of the supervising or agent physician is recorded with the order, in the narrative notes, or by a method specified by the health care facility. At all times the supervising or agent physician must be available to the licensed nurse for direct communication.


Prior to implementation of an order, the licensee:


Must have knowledge that the order is within the LIP’s or PA’s scope of practice and determine that the order is consistent with the overall plan for the client’s care; and


Shall question any order that is not clear, determined to be unsafe, contraindicated for the client, or is inconsistent with the overall plan for the client’s care.


The licensee may accept and implement recommendations for care from the following health care professionals licensed in Oregon:


Acupuncturist licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture);


Dietitian licensed under ORS Chapter 691 (Dietitians);


Occupational therapist licensed under ORS Chapter 675 (Psychologists);


Physical therapist licensed under ORS Chapter 688 (Ray Machine Operators);


Pharmacist licensed under ORS Chapter 689 (Pharmacists);


Psychologist licensed under ORS Chapter 675 (Psychologists);


Registered nurse licensed under ORS Chapter 678 (Nurses);


Respiratory therapist licensed under ORS Chapter 688 (Ray Machine Operators);


Social worker licensed under ORS Chapter 675 (Psychologists); and


Speech therapist licensed under ORS Chapter 681 (Hearing, Speech, Music Therapy and Art Therapy Professionals).


Prior to implementation of a recommendation, the licensee must have knowledge that the recommendation is within the health care professional’s scope of practice and determine that the recommendation is consistent with the overall plan for the client’s care.


When the licensee has determined that an order or a recommendation is not clear, unsafe, contraindicated for the client, or inconsistent with the overall plan for the client’s care, the licensee has the responsibility to decline implementation and contact the health care professional making the order or recommendation.

Source: Rule 851-045-0040 — Scope of Practice Standards for All Licensed Nurses, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=851-045-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 851-045-0040’s source at or​.us