OAR 918-440-0500
Mercury Thermostats — Purpose and Scope




This rule establishes a uniform notification process for the lawful disposal of mercury thermostats by persons installing heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems.


For the purposes of this rule, a “thermostat” is a device commonly used to sense and, through electrical communication with heating, cooling or ventilation equipment, control room temperature.


The authority having jurisdiction shall notify heating, ventilation or air conditioning system installers at time of permit issuance of proper disposal for mercury thermostats.


The written notification shall include the following language: "In accordance with ORS 455.355 (Rules governing mercury thermostats), the disposal of thermostats that contain mercury shall be in accordance with programs established by thermostat manufacturers, their representative or distributor, or by delivery to sites that will ensure that the mercury does not become part of the solid waste stream or wastewater.”

Source: Rule 918-440-0500 — Mercury Thermostats — Purpose and Scope, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-440-0500’s source at