OAR 943-001-0020
Oregon Health Authority Shared Service and Cooperative Relationships with Department of Human Services


The Oregon Health Authority (Authority) will cooperate and collaborate with the Department of Human Services (Department) in order to effectively coordinate services to individuals, families and communities and realize operational efficiencies in the administration of services that are shared between them (“shared services”).


For all the programs, functions, and duties with respect to health or health care (generally described in Oregon Laws 2009, chapter 595, section 19(1)(a)), transferred to the Authority from the Department (“transferred program”) or for shared services, the Authority declares that:


All transferred program rules shall remain in effect until superceded by adoption of Authority rules or adoption of rules by the Authority coordinating shared services with the Department.


All transferred program administration, policies, and procedures remain in effect pending the completion of review and adoption by the Authority or adoption of such policies and procedures related to coordination of shared services with the Department.


Any judicial or administrative action, proceeding, contested case hearing, or administrative review matters, or new action, proceeding, or matter involving or relating to the duties or powers transferred to the Authority are the responsibility of the Authority.


Rights and obligations legally incurred under transferred program contracts, leases, and business transactions remain legally valid and are the responsibility of the Authority.


Statutorily required filings, notices or service of papers, applications, notices or other documents to be mailed, provided to, or served on the Authority shall be mailed, provided to, or served on the Authority. Any notices required by ORS 113.145 (Information to devisees, heirs, interested persons, Department of Human Services and Oregon Health Authority), 114.525 (Content of affidavit) and 130.370 (Notice to individual claimants) to be sent to the Authority may be consolidated with similar notices to the Department and sent to the Estate Administration Unit of the Department. Any notices required by 416.530 (Notice of claim to department, authority or coordinated care organization) to be sent to the Authority may be consolidated with similar notices to the Department and sent to the Personal Injury Lien Unit of the Department Any consolidated notice shall be considered notice to the Authority as long as the Authority’s interest or claim in the matter is identified in the notice consistent with requirements in applicable statute.


A reference to an Administrator or Assistant Director in any transferred program rule of the Authority means the Director of the Authority’s program that is covered by that chapter of the Oregon Administrative Rules or the Authority’s program specified in the rule.


As the state Medicaid agency for the administration of funds from Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act, the Authority is charged with the administration of the medical assistance program. The Authority is responsible for facilitating outreach and enrollment efforts to connect eligible individuals with all available publicly funded health programs.


The Authority and the Department recognize that there are many points of interconnection between their programs and the individuals who receive services through these programs. In addition, there are areas of natural connection between the Authority and the Department based upon the former and current structures of the Department in the administration of the medical assistance program.


The Authority shall work cooperatively with the Department in the administration of the medical assistance program and to facilitate the outreach and enrollment in the program, including making determinations of eligibility and service need for medical assistance. The Authority has designated the Department as the operating agency for home and community-based waiver services and as an Organized Health Care Delivery System.


The Authority and the Department are authorized by state law to delegate to each other any duties, functions and powers that they deem necessary for the efficient and effective operation of their respective functions. The Authority and the Department will work together to adopt rules to assure that medical assistance eligibility requirements, procedures, and determinations are consistent across both agencies. The Authority has authorized the Department to determine medical eligibility for medical assistance. Where that responsibility is given to the Department under ORS Chapter 411 (Public Assistance and Medical Assistance), the Department has delegated to the Authority the duties, functions, and powers to make medical eligibility determinations in accordance with OAR 410-120-0006 (Medical Eligibility Standards).


Where statute establishes duties and functions of the Authority or the Department in relation to medical assistance as a public assistance program, the Authority and the Department shall cooperate in the effective administration of the program.

Source: Rule 943-001-0020 — Oregon Health Authority Shared Service and Cooperative Relationships with Department of Human Services, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=943-001-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-001-0020’s source at