Hearing on refusal to renew license
- exceptions
Section 183.430 — Hearing on refusal to renew license; exceptions, https://www.oregonlegislature.gov/bills_laws/ors/ors183.html
Notes of Decisions
Under this section, Division’s attempted revocation of day care certificate on ground of unsanitary conditions was ineffective, for only suspension was permissible absent hearing. Reynolds v. Children’s Services Division, 280 Or 431, 571 P2d 505 (1977)
Where plaintiff has not exhausted administrative remedies, Dental Examiners Board has jurisdiction to grant motion for interlocutory relief, but lacks jurisdiction to grant permanent injunction that precludes board from conducting hearing. Van Gordon v. Oregon State Board of Dental Examiners, 34 Or App 607, 579 P2d 306 (1978), Sup Ct review denied
Reasons for prehearing suspension of liquor license under this section must be at least as substantial as those which would justify suspension under general suspension statute, ORS 471.315. Marcoules v. OLCC, 91 Or App 573, 756 P2d 661 (1988)
Hearing is available regarding immediate suspension of license, notwithstanding subsequent expiration of license. Red Willow Adolescent Chemical Dependency Treatment, Inc. v. Children’s Services Division, 152 Or App 710, 954 P2d 1274 (1998)
Facts found in emergency license suspension hearing cannot be applied via issue preclusion to support subsequent license revocation over accused’s request for new contested hearing. Miller v. Board of Psychologist Examiners, 289 Or App 34, 407 P3d 935 (2017)
Attorney General Opinions
Health professional regulatory board duty to disclose investigatory information to licensees or applicants, (2006) No. 8282
Law Review Citations
33 EL 665 (2003)