OAR 291-127-0420
Visiting Application

(1) Inmates or prospective visitors must submit a completed visiting application form (CD 50D) to Inmate Services Unit for each prospective visitor regardless of their age.
(2) All prospective visitors age 15 years and older shall be subject to a criminal records check as part of the visitation approval process.
(3) If the prospective visitor is an un-emancipated minor child, a notarized letter of custodial consent (ISU Form 3 or ISU Form 4) signed by the custodial parent or legal guardian must be submitted to the Inmate Services Unit as part of the visitation approval process.
(4) After review of an application the Inmate Services Unit will notify the inmate in writing whether it has been approved or denied.
(a)The inmate is responsible for informing their prospective visitors whether the visiting application has been approved or denied.
(b)The inmate can decline the visitor being added to their list by submitting a written request to the Inmate Services Unit.
(5) The Department of Corrections, may, in its sole discretion, deny applications to visit if it is determined that permitting the visitation would jeopardize the safety, security, health or good order of the facility, or the safety and security of other inmates, staff, visitors, contractors or the community. Specific reasons for denial include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) The inmate or prospective visitor has previously introduced contraband into a jail or other corrections facility, or there is suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor will introduce contraband into a Department of Corrections facility through the visiting process.
(b) The inmate or prospective visitor has previously disrupted the visiting process or violated visiting rules and procedures within a jail or other corrections facility by words or acts, or there is suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor will disrupt the visiting process or violate visiting rules and procedures within a Department of Corrections facility by words or acts.
(c) There is suspicion that the inmate or prospective visitor is engaged in any form of criminal activity in the community or within a Department of Corrections facility.
(6) If visiting is denied, the notice shall include the specific grounds for denial upon which the decision is based, and inform the inmate that he or she may request an administrative review by submitting a completed Administrative Review for Denial of Visiting Application (CD 1594) as specified in this rule.
(7) All inquiries regarding a visiting application must be in writing and directed to the Inmate Services Unit. Department of Corrections staff will not respond to telephone inquiries by prospective visitors regarding Department decisions to approve or deny an inmate’s visiting application.

Source: Rule 291-127-0420 — Visiting Application, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=291-127-0420.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-127-0420’s source at or​.us