OAR 330-067-0080
State Review of TA Grant Requests


All eligible TA requests received by ODOE will be reviewed in the manner stated in the State Plan.


Within the limits of available funds, applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis.


Up to ten percent of the state’s allocation in each cycle will be available for hardship grants. Hardship grants will be available to institutions based on their need or which cannot provide their 50 percent matching share. These funds will be available only to the extent needed to allow such institutions to do the project under the program:


ODOE shall recommend funds for hardship grants in the manner stated in the State Plan;


Applications for hardship funding shall be judged by ODOE to assess the relative need among applicants. The minimum amount of additional US DOE funds needed by the applicant to do the project under the ICP will be set by ODOE.

Source: Rule 330-067-0080 — State Review of TA Grant Requests, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=330-067-0080.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 330-067-0080’s source at or​.us