OAR 331-905-0005
Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training

An education curriculum or training for specialty level one piercing must meet requirements set forth by the Office prior to beginning training or education.
(1) Education Requirements for a Specialty Level One Piercing Student: A specialty level one piercing career school course of study must include 36 26 hours of practical education and a minimum of 26 practical procedures.
(2) The 26 practical procedures required must include:
(a) 10 practical procedures in which the trainee observes and participates; the trainee must observe (4) four male and (4) four female procedures, with at least (2) two cheek piercings, and (4) four different types of piercings as listed in subsection (3) of this rule; and
(b) 16 practical procedures performed by the trainee under direct supervision, but without assistance; the trainee must perform a minimum of (4) four male and (4) four female procedures, with at least (2) two cheek piercings, and (4) four different types of piercings as listed in subsection (3) of this rule.
(3) The 26 practical procedures under subsection (2) of this rule must include at least (4) four piercings procedures listed in subsection (a) through (l) below of this rule:
(a) Scrotum;
(b) Frenum;
(c) Foreskin;
(d) Perineum behind the scrotum;
(e) Piercing of the penis through the urethra and exiting on the underside of the penis;
(f) Labia majora;
(g) Labia minora;
(h) Piercing of the perineum between the vagina and the anus;
(i) Piercing of the clitoral hood;
(j) Vulva;
(k) Non midline vertical tongue; and
(l) Cheek.
(4) Education must be conducted by a Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Private Career School and by a licensed instructor who holds an active specialty level one piercing license.
(5) Education must be conducted by a Higher Education Coordinating Commission, Private Career School.
(6) An instructor licensed by Higher Education Coordinating Commission must provide direct supervision, on a one-to-one student/teacher ratio when the student is performing practical procedures.
(7) Supervised Training Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Temporary Trainee: An individual must obtain a standard body piercing license prior to beginning training for specialty level one piercing. The specialty level one piercing training program must include 26 hours of practical training and a minimum of 26 practical procedures.
(8) The 26 practical procedures required must include:
(a) 10 practical procedures in which the trainee observes and participates; the trainee must observe (4) four male and (4) four female procedures, with at least (2) two cheek piercings, and (4) four different types of piercings as listed in subsection (9) of this rule; and
(b) 16 practical procedures performed by the trainee under direct supervision, but without assistance; the trainee must perform a minimum of (4) four male and (4) four female procedures, with at least (2) two cheek piercings, and (4) four different types of piercings as listed in subsection (9) of this rule.
(9) The 26 piercings procedures under subsection (8) of this rule must include at least (4) four different piercings procedures listed in subsection (a) through (l) below of this rule:
(a) Scrotum;
(b) Frenum;
(c) Foreskin;
(d) Perineum behind the scrotum;
(e) Piercing of the penis through the urethra and exiting on the underside of the penis;
(f) Labia majora;
(g) Labia minora;
(h) Piercing of the perineum between the vagina and the anus;
(i) Piercing of the clitoral hood;
(j) Vulva;
(k) Non midline vertical tongue; and
(l) Cheek.
(10) Training must be completed in no less than (2) two months from the date the Office issues a specialty level one piercing temporary trainee license.
(11) A supervisor must provide direct supervision of practical training on a one-to-one trainee to trainer ratio when the trainee is working on the general public.
(12) Supervisors of a specialty level one temporary trainee must adhere to OAR 331-905-0052 (Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor).
(13) A specialty level one temporary trainee may have (1) one or more approved supervisors during the specialty level one training program.
(14) Training listed in (7) through (9) this rules must be provided by an approved supervisor pursuant to OAR 331-905-0052 (Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor).

Source: Rule 331-905-0005 — Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=331-905-0005.

Specialty Body Piercing Definitions
Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Education or Training
Specialty Level One Piercing Trainee License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Temporary Trainee License
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Temporary Trainee
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Temporary Trainee License
Specialty Level One Piercing License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing License
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor
Responsibilities of Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Supervisors
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Supervisor
Renewal of a Specialty Level One or Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Specialty Body Piercing Practice Standards and Prohibitions
General Standards for Specialty Body Piercing
Standards for Client Services for Specialty Body Piercing
Approved Sterilization for Specialty Body Piercing
Client Records and Information for Specialty Body Piercing
Informed Consent for Specialty Body Piercing Procedures
Initial Jewelry for Specialty Piercing Services
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 331-905-0005’s source at or​.us