OAR 331-905-0040
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing License

(1) An individual applying for licensure to practice specialty level one piercing must:
(a) Meet the requirements of OAR 331 division 30;
(b) Submit a completed application form prescribed by the Office, which must contain the information listed in OAR 331-030-0000 (Application Requirements) and be accompanied by payment of the required application fees;
(c) Submit proof of current cardiopulmonary resuscitation and basic first aid training from an Office approved provider;
(d) Submit proof of current blood borne pathogens training from an Office approved provider;
(e) Submit proof of being at least 18 years of age; documentation may include identification listed under OAR 331-030-0000 (Application Requirements);
(f) Submit proof of having a high school diploma or equivalent;
(g) Submit proof of having a standard body piercing license for at least 6 months; and
(h) Provide documentation of completing a qualifying pathway.
(2) License Pathway 1 — Graduate from a Higher Education Coordinating Commission Private Career School for Specialty Level One Piercing must:
(a) Submit official transcript from a specialty level one piercing career school under ORS 345 showing proof of completion of required specialty level one piercing curriculum as approved by the Office under OAR 331-905-0005 (Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training) (1) through (5);
(b) If applicable, pay examination fees;
(c) Submit passing score of the Office-approved standard body piercing written examinations in accordance with OAR 331-900-0060 (Approved Body Piercing Examinations) (3) and (4). Completion of the written examination is not required if the applicant has passed the examinations listed under OAR 331-900-0060 (Approved Body Piercing Examinations) (3) and (4) within two years before the date of application; and
(d) Upon passage of all required examinations, if applicable, and before issuance of license, applicant must pay all license fees.
(3) License Pathway 2 — Qualification through Specialty Level One Piercing Temporary Trainee License:
(a) Submit documentation approved by the Office showing proof of having completed required specialty level one training listed under OAR 331-905-0005 (Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training) (6) through (10), and verified by a supervisor approved under OAR 331-905-0055 (Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor), on a form prescribed by the Office;
(b) If applicable, pay examination fees;
(c) Submit passing score of the Office-approved standard body piercing written examinations in accordance with OAR 331-900-0060 (Approved Body Piercing Examinations) (3) and (4). Completion of the written examination is not required if the applicant has passed the examinations listed under OAR 331-900-0060 (Approved Body Piercing Examinations) (3) and (4) within two years before the date of application; and
(d) The applicant must pay all license fees before issuance of a license.

Source: Rule 331-905-0040 — Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing License, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=331-905-0040.

Specialty Body Piercing Definitions
Specialty Level One Piercing Education or Training
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Education or Training
Specialty Level One Piercing Trainee License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Temporary Trainee License
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Temporary Trainee
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Temporary Trainee License
Specialty Level One Piercing License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing License
Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor
Application Requirements for Specialty Level One Piercing Supervisor
Responsibilities of Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Supervisors
Application Requirements for Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing Supervisor
Renewal of a Specialty Level One or Specialty Level Two Genital Piercing License
Specialty Body Piercing Practice Standards and Prohibitions
General Standards for Specialty Body Piercing
Standards for Client Services for Specialty Body Piercing
Approved Sterilization for Specialty Body Piercing
Client Records and Information for Specialty Body Piercing
Informed Consent for Specialty Body Piercing Procedures
Initial Jewelry for Specialty Piercing Services
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 331-905-0040’s source at or​.us