OAR 333-003-0117
Impending Public Health Emergency: Registration of Formerly Licensed Health Care Providers; Renewal

(1) A person who was licensed, certified or otherwise authorized to provide health care services not more than 10 years prior to the date of application, may apply to the Division to be registered as a health care provider to provide emergency health care services during an emergency.
(2) A person described in section (1) of this rule shall apply by completing a form prescribed by the Division and submitting the form in the manner prescribed by the Division.
(3) An applicant shall provide evidence from the entity that licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized the applicant to previously provide health care services that verifies that the applicant was in good standing at the time the applicant surrendered his or her license, certification or authorization to provide health care services.
(4) The Division may request additional information from an applicant if the application is incomplete or questions arise about the applicant during the Division’s verification process.
(5) An applicant shall undergo a criminal background check and shall sign any necessary authorizations and pay any necessary fees for the criminal background check.
(6) The Division shall notify an applicant, in writing, if they have been accepted as a registrant and if not, why not.
(7) If an applicant has been accepted, the Division shall also provide the registrant information described in OAR 333-003-0118 (Impending Public Health Crisis: Duties of Registrants).
(8) The Division shall issue a registrant a registry identification card once the registrant has completed the orientation and training required in OAR 333-018-0118. The identification card shall:
(a) Identify the registrant;
(b) Indicate that the registrant is registered as an emergency health care provider;
(c) Identify the license or certification previously held by the registrant; and
(d) Identify the registrant’s former area of practice if that information is available and the Division determines that it is appropriate to provide that information.
(9) The Division shall require each registrant to update his or her registration information every two years, or when changes occur, and a registrant shall be required to sign a form, prescribed by the Division, that indicates the registrant is willing and able to remain on the Registry. A registrant shall provide documentation of completed continuing education credits with the renewal form.
(10) The Division shall conduct a criminal background check on registrants registered under this rule every five years. A registrant is responsible for signing any necessary authorizations and paying any necessary fees.
(11) A registrant identification card shall be renewed and provided to a registrant who fulfills the requirements in section (9) and (10) of this rule.
(12) The Division may remove a registrant from the Registry if the Division:
(a) Is notified or learns that a registrant is not in good standing with his or her licensing board or certifying agency;
(b) Determines that a registrant is not capable of providing emergency health care services;
(c) Determines that a registrant has a personal or criminal history that calls into question the ability of the registrant to safely provide emergency health care services
(d) The registrant requests to be removed from the Registry; or
(e) Determines that a registrant is not complying with these rules.
(13) A registrant that has been removed from the registry may be reactivated in the Registry at any time but must include with their request an explanation that describes how the issue that led to removal has been addressed.

Source: Rule 333-003-0117 — Impending Public Health Emergency: Registration of Formerly Licensed Health Care Providers; Renewal, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-003-0117.

Impending Public Health Emergency: Definitions
Impending Public Health Crisis: Authority of the Public Health Director During a Public Health Emergency
Impending Public Health Emergency: Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols
Impending Public Health Crisis: Access to Individually Identifiable Health Information
Impending Public Health Crisis: Civil Penalties
Impending Public Health Crisis: Temporary Restriction of Movement
Impending Public Health Crisis: Effect of Declaration Ending
Impending Public Health Crisis: Scope
Impending Public Health Emergency: Definitions
Impending Public Health Emergency: The Health Care Provider Registry
Impending Public Health Emergency: Registration of Currently Licensed Health Care Providers
Impending Public Health Emergency: Out-of-State Health Care Providers
Impending Public Health Emergency: Registration of Formerly Licensed Health Care Providers
Impending Public Health Crisis: Duties of Registrants
Impending Public Health Crisis: Criminal Background Checks
Impending Public Health Crisis: Health Care Providers Not Included in the Registry
Impending Public Health Emergency: Activation of Registrants
Impending Public Health Emergency: Designation of Emergency Health Care Centers
Impending Public Health Emergency: Training
Impending Public Health Crisis: Public Health Emergency Plans
Impending Public Health Crisis: Liability Protection
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Definitions
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Enforcement of Governor’s Executive Orders and State Guidance
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Food and Drink Establishments
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Disciplinary Action for Violation of an Executive Order or Authority Guidance
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Designation of Physical Distancing Officer
Declared Emergency: Waiver of Rules Applicable to Acute Care Health Care Facilities, Outpatient Renal Dialysis, Hospice, Home Heath, Emergency Medical Services, and Hemodialysis Due to Federal 1135 Waivers
Requirements for Tourist Facilities During Declared Emergency
Disciplinary Action or Civil Penalties for Tourist Facilities During Declared Emergency
Requirements for Subject Public Pools and Spas During Declared Emergency
Disciplinary Action for Subject Public Pools and Spas During a Declared Emergency
Training Waiver During Declared Emergency for Vaccination-Related Emergency Health Care Services
COVID-19 Related Requirements: Consent to Vaccination
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-003-0117’s source at or​.us