OAR 333-102-0330
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Transfer of Material


No licensee may transfer radioactive material except as authorized pursuant to this rule.


Except as otherwise provided in the license and subject to the provisions of sections (3) and (4) of this rule, any licensee may transfer radioactive material:


To the Authority;
NOTE: A licensee may transfer radioactive material to the Authority only after receiving prior approval in writing from the Authority.


To the U.S. Department of Energy;


To any person exempt from the rules in this division to the extent permitted under such exemption;


To any person authorized to receive such material under terms of a general license or its equivalent, or a specific license or equivalent licensing document, issued by the Authority, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, any Agreement State or any Licensing State, or to any person otherwise authorized to receive such material by the Federal Government or any agency thereof, the Authority, an Agreement State or a Licensing State; or


As otherwise authorized by the Authority in writing.


Before transferring radioactive material to a specific licensee of the Authority, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or a Licensing State, or to a general licensee who is required to register with the Authority, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or a Licensing State prior to receipt of the radioactive material, the licensee transferring the material must verify that the transferee’s license authorizes the receipt of the type, form and quantity of radioactive material to be transferred.


Any of the following methods for the verification required by section (3) of this rule are acceptable:


The transferor may possess and read a current copy of the transferee’s specific license or registration certificate;


The transferor may possess a written certification by the transferee that the transferee is authorized by license or registration certificate to receive the type, form and quantity of radioactive material to be transferred, specifying the license or registration certificate number, issuing agency and expiration date;


For emergency shipments, the transferor may accept oral certification by the transferee that the transferee is authorized by license or registration certificate to receive the type, form and quantity of radioactive material to be transferred, specifying the license or registration certificate number, issuing agency and expiration date; provided, that the oral certification is confirmed in writing within 10 days;


The transferor may obtain other information compiled by a reporting service from official records of the Authority, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, an Agreement State or a Licensing State regarding the identity of licensees and the scope and expiration dates of licenses and registration;


When none of the methods of verification described in subsections (4)(a) through (4)(d) of this rule are readily available or when a transferor desires to verify that information received by one of such methods is correct or up-to-date, the transferor may obtain and record confirmation from the Authority, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the licensing agency of an Agreement State or a Licensing State that the transferee is licensed to receive the radioactive material.


Shipment and transport of radioactive material must be in accordance with the provisions of division 118 of this chapter.

Source: Rule 333-102-0330 — Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Transfer of Material, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-102-0330.

Purpose and Scope
Exemptions: Unimportant Quantities of Source Material
Exemptions — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Exempt Concentrations
Exemptions: Certain Items Containing Radioactive Material
Exemptions: Gas and Aerosol Detectors Containing Byproduct Material
Exemptions: Self-Luminous Products Containing Tritium, Krypton-85, or Promethium-147
Exemptions: Self Luminous Products and Sources Containing Radium-226
Exemptions: Certain Industrial Devices
Exemptions: Exempt Quantities
Exemptions: In Vivo Testing in Humans for H. Pylori Using Carbon-14 Labeled Urea
Licenses: Types of Licenses
General Licenses — Small Quantities of Source Material
General Licenses — Requirements for License to Initially Transfer Source Material for Use Under the Small Quantities of Source Materials General License
General Licenses — Conditions of Licenses to Initially Transfer Source Material for Use Under the ’Small Quantities of Source Material’ General License: Quality Control, Labeling, Safety Instructions, and Records and Reports
General Licenses — Depleted Uranium in Industrial Products and Devices
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Luminous Safety Devices for Aircraft
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Certain Measuring, Gauging and Controlling Devices
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Ownership of Radioactive Material
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Calibration and Reference Sources
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: General License for Use of Radioactive Material for Certain In Vitro Clinical or Laboratory Testing
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Ice Detection Devices
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Application for Specific Licenses
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: General Requirements for the Issuance of Specific Licenses
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Definitions
General Licenses — Radioactive Material Other than Source Material: Requirements for License to Manufacture, or Initially Transfer Radioactive Material Contained in Devices Granted a General License Under OAR 333-102-0115
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Introduction of Radioactive Material in Exempt Concentrations into Products or Materials, and Transfer of Ownership or Possession: Requirements for License
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Records and Material Transfer Reports
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Manufacture and Distribution of Radioactive Material for Certain In Vitro Clinical or Laboratory Testing Under a General License
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Licensing the Distribution of Radioactive Material in Exempt Quantities
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Licensing the Incorporation of Naturally Occurring and Accelerator-Produced Radioactive Material into Gas and Aerosol Detectors
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Special Requirements for the Manufacture, Assembly or Repair of Luminous Safety Devices for Use in Aircraft
Special Requirements for License to Manufacture Calibration Sources Containing Americium-241, Plutonium or Radium-226 for Distribution to Persons Granted a General License by OAR 333-102-0125
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Licensing the Manufacture and Distribution of Ice Detection Devices
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Manufacture, Preparation, or Transfer for Commercial Distribution of Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Containing Byproduct Material for Medical Use Under Division 116
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Manufacture and Distribution of Sources or Devices Containing Byproduct Material for Medical Use
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Requirements for License to Manufacture and Distribute Industrial Products Containing Depleted Uranium for Mass-Volume Applications
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Sealed Source or Device Evaluation
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Issuance of Specific Licenses
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Specific Terms and Conditions of License
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Expiration and Termination of Licenses and Decommissioning of Sites and Separate Buildings or Outdoor Areas
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Application for Renewal of Licenses
Amendment of Licenses at Request of Licensee
Authority Action on Applications to Renew and Amend
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Specifically Licensed Items — Registration of Product Information
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Transfer of Material
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Modification, Revocation and Termination of Licenses
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Reciprocal Recognition of Licenses
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Special Procedures in Regulatory Review
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Reporting Requirements
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Records
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Right to Cause the Withholding or Recall of Byproduct Material
Special Requirement for a Specific License to Manufacture, Assemble, Repair or Distribute Commodities, Products or Devices Which Contain Radioactive Material: Third Party Method
Transport: Special Requirements for Specific Licenses of Broad Scope
Transport: Specific Terms and Conditions for Broad Licenses
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-102-0330’s source at or​.us