OAR 340-081-0031
Preliminary Request for Financial Assistance


Public agencies desiring to receive financial assistance from the Department shall file a preliminary application. This application will set forth:


A description of the project for which funding assistance is desired;


A description of the pollution control problem that the project will assist in resolving;


The estimated cost of the project;


The schedule for the project including the schedule for a bond election if one is necessary;


The funding sources for the project;


The method for securing the loan being requested from the Department;


Such other information as the Department deems necessary.


Preliminary applications may be filed with the Department at any time.


The Department may give notice of intent to receive preliminary applications by a date certain in order to prepare a priority list if such lists becomes necessary to allocate anticipated available funds.


This section shall not apply to financial assistance which the Department provides pursuant to a long-term, written agreement with a public agency.

Source: Rule 340-081-0031 — Preliminary Request for Financial Assistance, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-081-0031.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-081-0031’s source at or​.us