OAR 340-230-0380
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Emission Limits

No person may cause, allow, or permit the operation of any affected municipal waste combustion unit in a manner that violates the following emission limits and requirements.


Class I units:




Dioxins/Furans (total mass basis). The dioxins/furans emissions must not exceed 30 nanograms per dry standards cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen for municipal waste combustion units that do not employ an electrostatic precipitator-based emission control system or must not exceed 60 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen for municipal waste combustion units that employ an electrostatic precipitator-based emission control system. A 3-run average (minimum run is 4 hours) must be used. Compliance must be determined by a stack test.




Cadmium. The cadmium emissions must not exceed 0.040 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Lead. The lead emissions must not exceed 0.490 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Mercury. The mercury emissions must not exceed 0.080 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter or an 85 percent reduction of potential mercury emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen and using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Opacity. The opacity emissions must not exceed 10 percent opacity, using thirty 6-minute averages. Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Particulate Matter. The particulate matter emissions must not exceed 27 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Acid Gases:


Hydrogen Chloride. The hydrogen chloride emissions must not exceed 31 parts per million by dry volume or 95 percent reduction of potential hydrogen chloride emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (minimum run duration is 1 hour). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Sulfur Dioxide. The sulfur dioxide emissions must not exceed 31 parts per million by dry volume or 75 percent reduction of potential sulfur dioxide emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using 24-hour daily block geometric average concentration percent reduction. Compliance must be determined by a continuous emission monitoring system.




Fugitive Ash. No owner or operator may cause or allow visible emissions in excess of 5 percent of the hourly observation period, using three 1-hour observation periods. Compliance must be determined by visible emission test.


Nitrogen Oxide. The nitrogen oxide emissions must not exceed 380 parts per million by dry volume corrected to 7 percent oxygen, with a 24-hour daily block arithmetic average concentration. Compliance is determined by continuous emission monitoring systems.


Carbon Monoxide. The carbon monoxide emissions must not exceed 50 parts per million by dry volume corrected to 7 percent oxygen, with a 4-hour averaging time. Compliance must be determined by continuous emission monitoring system.


Class II units:


Organics: Dioxins/Furans (total mass basis). The dioxins/furans emissions must not exceed 125 nanograms per dry standards cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen. A 3-run average (minimum run is 4 hours) must be used. Compliance must be determined by a stack test.




Cadmium. The cadmium emissions must not exceed 0.10 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Lead. The lead emissions must not exceed 1.6 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Mercury. The mercury emissions must not exceed 0.080 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter or an 85 percent reduction of potential mercury emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen and using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Opacity. The opacity emissions must not exceed 10 percent opacity, using thirty 6-minute averages. Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Particulate Matter. The particulate matter emissions must not exceed 70 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (run duration specified in test method). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Acid Gases:


Hydrogen Chloride. The hydrogen chloride emissions must not exceed 250 parts per million by volume or 50 percent reduction of potential hydrogen chloride emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using a 3-run average (minimum run duration is 1 hour). Compliance must be determined by a stack test.


Sulfur Dioxide. The sulfur dioxide emissions must not exceed 77 parts per million by dry volume or 50 percent reduction of potential sulfur dioxide emissions, corrected to 7 percent oxygen, using 24-hour daily block geometric average concentration percent reduction. Compliance must be determined by a continuous emission monitoring system.




Fugitive Ash. No owner or operator may cause or allow visible emissions in excess of 5 percent of the hourly observation period, using three 1-hour observation periods. Compliance must be determined by visible emission test.


Carbon Monoxide. The carbon monoxide emissions must not exceed 50 parts per million by dry volume corrected to 7 percent oxygen, with a 4-hour averaging time. Compliance must be determined by continuous emission monitoring system.


Class I unit compliance dates. If the Class I municipal waste combustion unit began construction, reconstruction, or modification after June 26, 1987, then the owner or operator must comply with the applicable dioxins/furans and mercury emission limits specified in OAR 340-230-0380 (Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Emission Limits)(1) by December 31, 2003. Final compliance with the dioxins/furans limits must be achieved no later than December 6, 2005, even if the date one year after the issuance of a revised construction or operation permit is later than December 6, 2005.


Startup, shutdown, and malfunction:


The emission limits apply at all times except during periods of municipal waste combustion unit startup, shutdown, or malfunction.


Each startup, shutdown, or malfunction must not last for longer than 3 hours.


A maximum of 3 hours of test data may be dismissed from compliance calculations during periods of startup, shutdown, or malfunction.


During startup, shutdown, or malfunction periods longer than 3 hours, emissions data cannot be discarded from compliance calculations and all provisions under 40 CFR Part 60.11(d) apply.

Source: Rule 340-230-0380 — Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Emission Limits, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-230-0380.

Applicability and Jurisdiction
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Best Available Control Technology
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Emissions Limitations
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Design and Operation
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Continuous Emission Monitoring
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Reporting and Testing
Solid and Infectious Waste Incinerators: Compliance
Crematory Incinerators: Emission Limitations
Crematory Incinerators: Design and Operation
Crematory Incinerators: Monitoring and Reporting
Crematory Incinerators: Compliance
Municipal Waste Combustors: Applicability
Municipal Waste Combustors: Emissions Limitations
Municipal Waste Combustors: Operating Practices
Municipal Waste Combustors: Operator Training and Certification
Municipal Waste Combustors: Standards for Municipal Waste Combustor Fugitive Ash Emissions
Municipal Waste Combustors: Monitoring and Testing
Municipal Waste Combustors: Recordkeeping and Reporting
Municipal Waste Combustors: Compliance Schedule
Municipal Waste Combustors: Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Increments of Progress
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Operator Training
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Operator Certification
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Operating Requirements
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Emission Limits
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Continuous Emission Monitoring
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Stack Testing
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Other Monitoring Requirements
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Recordkeeping
Municipal Waste Combustors, Small Municipal Waste Combustion Unit: Reporting
Adoption of Federal Plan by Reference
Municipal Waste Combustors: Emission Standards for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units
EPA Methods
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-230-0380’s source at