OAR 340-248-0220
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Reporting Requirements for Asbestos Sources Using Air Cleaning Devices


New sources this rule covers must submit the requested information 90 days before initial startup. The reporter must submit changes in the information provided to DEQ within 30 days after the change.


Sources covered by OAR 340-248-0210 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Requirements for Mills, Roadways and Parking lots, and Manufacturing Operations)(1) Mills, 340-248-0210 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Requirements for Mills, Roadways and Parking lots, and Manufacturing Operations)(3) Manufacturing, 340-248-0275 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Standards for Air Cleaning, Spraying, Molded Insulation, and Fabricating)(4) Fabricating, and 340-248-0230 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos to Nonasbestos Conversion Operations) Asbestos to Nonasbestos Conversion Operations, must provide the following information to DEQ:


A description of the emission control equipment used for each process;


If a fabric filter device is used to control emissions:


The airflow permeability in m3/min/m2 (ft3/min/ft2) if the fabric filter device uses a woven fabric, and, if the fabric is synthetic, whether the fill yarn is spun or not spun; and


If the fabric filter device uses a felted fabric, the density in g/m2 (oz/yd2), the minimum thickness in millimeters (inches), and the airflow permeability in m3/min/m2 (ft3/min/ft2); and


If a HEPA filter is used to control emissions, the certified efficiency.


Sources covered by this rule and subject to OAR 340-248-0280 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Disposal Requirements)(1) through 340-248-0280 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Disposal Requirements)(9) must submit the following information:


A brief description of each process that generates asbestos-containing waste material;


The average volume of asbestos-containing waste material disposed of, measured in m3/day (yd3/day);


The emission control methods used in all stages of waste disposal; and


The type of disposal site or incineration site used for ultimate disposal, the name of the site operator, and the name and location of the disposal site.


Sources this rule covers and subject to OAR 340-248-0280 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Disposal Requirements)(10) or 340-248-0280 (Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Disposal Requirements)(11) must provide the following information:


A brief description of the site; and


The method or methods used to comply with the standards, or alternative procedures used.

Source: Rule 340-248-0220 — Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Reporting Requirements for Asbestos Sources Using Air Cleaning Devices, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-248-0220.

Licensing and Certification Requirements: Applicability
Licensing and Certification Requirements: General Provisions
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Contractor Licensing
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Certification
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Training Provider Accreditation
Licensing and Certification Requirements: General Training Standards
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Prior Training
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Reciprocity
Licensing and Certification Requirements: Fees
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: General Provisions
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Requirements for Mills, Roadways and Parking lots, and Manufacturing Operations
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Reporting Requirements for Asbestos Sources Using Air Cleaning Devices
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos to Nonasbestos Conversion Operations
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Inspection Requirements for Oregon Title V Operating Permit Program Sources
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Exemptions
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Abatement Notification Requirements
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Work Practices and Procedures
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Standards for Air Cleaning, Spraying, Molded Insulation, and Fabricating
Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements: Asbestos Disposal Requirements
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-248-0220’s source at or​.us