OAR 409-025-0120
Data File Layout, Format, and Coding Requirements


All mandatory reporters shall submit claims-based data for all claims where the subscriber’s residence is in Oregon or the subscriber is enrolled in a plan for which the State of Oregon is the payer.
(2) Claims-based data files shall include:
(a) Eligibility;
(b) Medical claims;
(c) Pharmacy claims;
(d) Dental claims;
(e) Provider;
(f) Subscriber-billed premiums; and
(g) Control totals files.
(3) The eligibility file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters except CCOs using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix A, Eligibility.
(a) Mandatory reporters shall report race and ethnicity data as outlined in Appendix A, Eligibility. This layout aligns with the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Federal Register Notice of October 30, 1997 (62 FR 58782-58790).
(b) Mandatory reporters shall report primary language in accordance with ANSI/NISO guidance using the three-character string outlined in Codes for the Representation of Languages for Information Interchange.
(c) Race, ethnicity and primary language data shall be collected in a manner that aligns with the following principles:
(A) To the greatest extent practicable, race, ethnicity, and preferred language shall be self-reported.
(i) Collectors of race, ethnicity and primary language data may not assume or judge ethnic and racial identity or preferred signed, written and spoken language, without asking the individual.
(ii) If an individual is unable to self-report and a family member, advocate, or authorized representative is unable to report on his or her behalf, the information shall be recorded as unknown.
(B) When an individual declines to identify race, ethnicity or preferred language, the information shall be reported as refused.
(4) The membership total and claims control file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters except CCOs using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix G, Membership Total and Claims Control.
(5) The subscriber-billed premium file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters except CCOs using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix F, Subscriber-Billed Premium.
(6) The provider file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters other than PBMs and CCOs using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix E, Provider.
(7) The medical claims file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters other than PBMs, CCOs, and dental carriers using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix B, Medical Claims.
(8) The pharmacy claims file shall be submitted by PBMs and carriers using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix C, Pharmacy Claims.
(9) The dental claims file shall be submitted by all mandatory reporters other than PBMs and CCOs who provide dental coverage using the approved layout, format, and coding described in Appendix D, Dental Claims.
(10) All data elements are required unless specified as optional or situational within the file layout.
(11) All required data files shall be submitted as delimited ASCII files.
(12) Numeric data are positive integers unless otherwise specified.
(a) Negative values are allowed for quantities, charges, payment, co-payment, co-insurance, deductible, and prepaid amount.
(b) Negative values shall be preceded by a minus sign.
(13) All data files shall pass edit checks and validations implemented by the Authority or the Authority’s data vendor.
(a) Data vendors may perform quality and edit checks on data file submissions. If data files do not pass data vendor edit checks or validation, mandatory reporters must make corrections and resubmit data. Mandatory reporters must submit corrected data or an exception request within 14 calendar days of notification by the Authority or the Authority’s data vendor of the error.
(b) Mandatory reporters must participate in efforts to validate and check the quality of current and historic APAC data, as prescribed and requested by the Authority.
(A) The Authority may request from mandatory reporter’s information from their internal records that is reasonably necessary to validate and check the quality of APAC data. This information may include, but is not limited to, aggregated number of enrolled members, number of claims and claim lines, charges, allowed amounts, paid amounts, co-insurance, co-payments, premiums, number of visits to primary care, emergency department, inpatient, and other health care treatment settings, and number of prescriptions.
(B) Mandatory reporters shall provide the aggregated information within 30 days of the Authority’s request.
(C) If the Authority finds errors through edit checks or validation, mandatory reporters must make corrections and resubmit data or submit an exception request within 30 days or at the next regularly scheduled submission due date.
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 409-025-0120 — Data File Layout, Format, and Coding Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=409-025-0120.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-025-0120’s source at