OAR 410-129-0065
Licensing Requirements


The Division enrolls only the following types of providers as performing providers under the Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Services program:


An individual licensed by the relevant state licensing authority to practice speech-language pathology (SLP);


An individual licensed by the relevant state licensing authority to practice audiology; and


An individual licensed by the relevant state licensing authority for “dealing in hearing aids” as defined in Oregon Revised Statute 694.015 (Definitions for ORS 694.015 to 694.170).


The Oregon Board of Examiners for SLP and Audiology licenses and the Division recognizes services provided by:


Conditional Speech-Language Pathologists; and


SLP Assistants.


Services of graduate SLP students, furnished under a Conditional SLP License:


Shall be provided in compliance with supervision requirements of the state licensing board and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association;


Shall be compliant with applicable record and documentation requirements (see also Oregon Administrative Rules in chapter 335, division 010); and


Are reimbursed to the licensed supervising speech-language pathologist.


The Division shall not reimburse for services of a licensed speech-language pathologist while the pathologist is teaching or supervising students in SLP.

Source: Rule 410-129-0065 — Licensing Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-129-0065’s source at