OAR 410-129-0075
Face-to-Face Encounter Requirements for Fee-for-Service Clients

(1) For initial ordering of speech generating devices (SGD), an in-person, face-to-face encounter that is related to the primary reason the client requires the medical equipment or supplies must occur no more than six months prior to the start of services:
(a) The face-to-face encounter shall be conducted and documented by the treating physician (MD or DO) or an authorized non-physician practitioner (NPP);
(b) Authorized NPPs for SGD are nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists working in collaboration with a physician, or physician assistants under the supervision of a physician;
(c) The physician or NPP conducting the face-to-face encounter shall document that the client is evaluated or treated for a condition that supports the need for the SGD ordered within six months prior to completing the written order for the equipment;
(d) If the NPP performing the face-to-face encounter does not have prescribing authority, the NPP shall communicate the clinical findings to the ordering physician;
(e) The ordering physician shall incorporate the clinical findings into a written or electronic document included in the client’s medical record.
(2) If a dually eligible client is evaluated for medical equipment or supplies under Medicare and transitions to Medicaid, the Medicare face-to-face encounter documentation shall meet the Medicaid face-to-face requirement.
(3) The durable medical equipment (DME) supplier shall maintain documentation of the qualifying face-to-face encounter and provide the documentation when the item requires PA or at the Division’s request.
(4) The table at https://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Monitoring-Programs/Medicare-FFS-Compliance-Programs/Medical-Review/Downloads/DME_List_of_Specified_Covered_Items_updated_March_26_2015.pdf identifies the DME items subject to these face-to-face requirements.

Source: Rule 410-129-0075 — Face-to-Face Encounter Requirements for Fee-for-Service Clients, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-129-0075’s source at