OAR 410-130-0000


The Division Medical-Surgical Services rules are designed to assist medical-surgical providers to deliver medical services and prepare health claims for clients with Medical Assistance Program coverage. Providers must follow the Division rules in effect on the date of service.


The Division enrolls only the following types of providers as performing providers under the Medical-Surgical program:


Doctors of medicine, osteopathy and naturopathy;






Licensed Physician assistants;


Nurse practitioners;




Family planning clinics;


Social workers (for specified services only);


Licensed Direct entry midwives;


Portable x-ray providers;


Ambulatory surgical centers;




Licensed Dieticians (for specified service only);


Registered Nurse First Assistants;


Certified Nurse Anesthetists;


Clinical Pharmacists;


Birthing Centers.


For clients enrolled in a managed care plan, contact the client’s plan for coverage and billing information.


The Medical-Surgical Services rules contain information on policy, special programs, prior authorization, and criteria for some procedures. All Division rules are intended to be used in conjunction with the General Rules for Oregon Medical Assistance Programs (OAR 410 division 120) and the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Administrative Rules (OAR 410 division 141).


The Health Services Commission’s Prioritized List of Health Services is found on their website at: www.oregon.gov/OHA/HPA/CSI-Herc/Pages/Prioritized-List.aspx.

Source: Rule 410-130-0000 — Foreword, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-130-0000’s source at