OAR 410-130-0670
Death With Dignity


All Death with Dignity services must be billed directly to the Division of Medical Assistance Programs (Division), even if the client is in a managed care plan.


Death with Dignity is a covered service, incorporated in the “comfort care” condition/treatment line on the Health Services Commission’s Prioritized List of Health Services.


The following physician visits and medical encounters are billable when performed by a licensed physician or psychologist:


The medical confirmation of the terminal condition;


The two visits in which the client makes the oral request;


The visit in which the written request is made;


The visit in which the prescription is written;


Counseling consultation(s); and


Medication and dispensing.


More than one of the services listed in sections (3)(a) through (3)(f) may be provided during the same visit. Additional visits for discussion or counseling are also covered for payment.




All claims for Death with Dignity services must be made on a paper CMS-1500 billing form;


Do not submit a claim for Death with Dignity services electronically or on an 837P;


Claims must be submitted using appropriate CPT or HCPCS codes;


The Division unique diagnosis code PAD-00 must be entered in Field 21 of the CMS-1500 billing form. Do not list any additional diagnosis codes in this field;


Claims must be submitted only on paper to: Division, PO Box 992, Salem, Oregon 97308-0992;


Prescriptions must be billed only with the Division unique code 8888-PAID-00. This code must be entered in Field 24D of the CMS-1500. In addition, the actual NDC number of the drug dispensed and the dosage must be listed below the prescription code;


the Division may be billed for prescription services only when the pharmacy has been properly notified by the physician in accordance with OAR 847-015-0035 (Attending Physicians Prescribing Medications to Physician-Assisted Death with Dignity Patients). This OAR requires the physician to have the client’s written consent to contact and inform the pharmacist of the purpose of the prescription.
[ED. NOTE: Forms referenced available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 410-130-0670 — Death With Dignity, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-130-0670’s source at