OAR 410-150-0010

(1) Administrative Examination – A medical or psychological evaluation required by the Department of Human Services (DHS), Oregon Health Authority (OHA), or Oregon Youth Authority (OYA) to assist in determining eligibility and for casework planning for various programs. An evaluation must be written and must contain a diagnosis, prognosis, and supporting objective findings. Functional impairments and expected duration of impairment must be included.
(2) Administrative Medical Reports -- Copies of existing records from a specified date. Progress notes, laboratory tests, x-ray reports, special test results and copies of other pertinent records must be included.
(3) Good Cause – Circumstances beyond a person’s control, or if a serious illness or death, medical, mental or emotional, learning or language impairment impeded ability to comply with necessary actions timely.

Source: Rule 410-150-0010 — Definitions, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-150-0010’s source at