OAR 410-150-0070
Billing Instructions for Administrative Examinations


When an examination is needed, administrative examination codes are authorized by the branch office.


Medical and ancillary services providers must bill using the Provider Web Portal at https://www.or-medicaid.gov or on a CMS-1500, mailed to the address listed on the OHP 729 at https:/­/­www.oregon.gov/­oha/­HSD/­OHP/­Pages/­Policy-Admin-Exam.aspx.
(3) Hospital services must be billed on a UB-04.
(4) Record copying fees imposed by a copy service provider must be billed on a CMS – 1500.
(5) For Administrative Examination billing, the following are required on the appropriate billing form:
(a) The procedure codes specified on the OHP 729;
(b) The diagnosis code Z02.89.

Source: Rule 410-150-0070 — Billing Instructions for Administrative Examinations, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-150-0070’s source at