OAR 411-028-0040
Qualified Case Manager

Staff working for the Department or the Department’s designee must meet the following requirements to provide case management services:


A bachelor’s degree in a behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field; or


A bachelor’s degree in any field and one year of human services related experience that may include providing assistance to people and groups with issues such as economical disadvantages, employment barriers and shortages, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or inadequate housing; or


An associate’s degree in a behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field and two years of human services related experience that may include providing assistance to people and groups with issues such as economical disadvantages, employment barriers and shortages, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or inadequate housing; or

Source: Rule 411-028-0040 — Qualified Case Manager, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-028-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-028-0040’s source at