OAR 411-030-0068
Shift Services


An individual is only eligible for shift services if the assessment and submission and review of a time/task log documenting three consecutive days of care provided determines the individual meets the criteria described in section (2) of this rule.


Individuals must meet subsections (a) and either (b) or (c) of this section of the rule.


The provision of assistance with at least one ADL or IADL task must be required sometime during each hour the individual is awake in order to ensure the safety and well-being of the individual. To meet this subsection, the individual, their representative, if applicable, or the case manager must submit a time/task log detailing the performance of the ADL and IADL tasks as defined in OAR chapter 411, division 015 for three (3) consecutive 24-hour periods. The log shall include the name of the task, the action performed and the duration of the task. The log must be complete and acceptable to the Department to qualify.


The individual is assessed as full assist in mobility or elimination as defined in OAR 411-015-0006 (Activities of Daily Living (ADL)), and has at least one of the following conditions:


A debilitating medical condition that includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:
Severe neuropathy;
Persistent or reoccurring stage 3 or 4 wounds;
Late stage cancer;
Frequent and unpredictable seizures; or
Debilitating muscle spasms.


A spinal cord injury or similar disability with permanent impairment.


An acute care or hospice need that is expected to last no more than six months.


The individual is assessed as full assist in cognition as defined in OAR 411-015-0006 (Activities of Daily Living (ADL)).


Shift services hours may be reduced from the maximum of 16 hours a day for any of the following reasons:


Reduced frequency or duration of an ADL need.


Durable medical equipment, assistive technology or home modification reduces need for assistance.


Individual preference.


Services and supports provided by natural supports.


Services and supports provided or funded by another agency.


IADL hours due to small living space.


DHS Central Office shall make the final determination of eligibility for shift services and the number of hours authorized for the individual by using the criteria in sections 2 and 3 of this rule.


Exceptions to the 16 hour limit may, at the sole discretion of the Department, be approved if the criteria in 411-030-0071 (Exceptions to Maximum Hours of Service) are met.


An individual may be eligible for a differential rate in accordance with the terms of the ratified collective bargaining agreement described in OAR 411-031-0020 (Definitions), if requested through the Case Manager and if the following applies:


The individual is diagnosed with quadriplegia or a condition that is substantially similar;


The individual is dependent on a ventilator;


The individual is eligible for and receives shift services;


The individual requires 24-hour awake care, of which, at least 16 hours must be paid shift care; and


The plan is approved by Central Office.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-030-0068’s source at