OAR 411-323-0030


CERTIFICATION. A person, agency, or governmental unit acting individually or jointly with any other person, agency, or governmental unit intending to operate a program as defined in OAR 411-323-0020 (Definitions and Acronyms) must be certified by the Department under these rules before establishing, conducting, maintaining, managing, or operating an agency.


Certificates are not transferable.


The Department issues or renews a certificate to an agency found to be in compliance with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, and the corresponding program rules. The certificate is effective for two years from the date issued unless sooner revoked or suspended.


If an agency fails to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information during the application or renewal process, the Department may delay initial certification, deny the application, or revoke or refuse to renew the application for certification.


For the purpose of certification, any applicant or person with an ownership interest in an agency is considered responsible for acts occurring during, and relating to, the operation of the agency.


The Department may consider the background and operating history of the applicant and each person with an ownership interest when determining whether to issue or renew a certificate.


A review of the agency is conducted by the Department prior to the issuance or renewal of a certificate.




All agencies are certified for two years unless the certificate is sooner revoked or suspended.


An agency licensed or certified under OAR chapter 411, division 054 for residential care and assisted living facilities, OAR chapter 309, division 035 for residential treatment facilities and residential treatment homes for adults with mental health disorders, OAR chapter 413, division 215 for child-caring agencies, or OAR chapter 416, division 550 for youth offender treatment foster care, and as may be described in corresponding program rules, does not require additional certification as an agency under these rules to deliver services. Current license or certification is considered sufficient demonstration of ability to:


Recruit, hire, supervise, and train qualified staff;


Deliver services according to an ISP or Service Agreement; and


Develop and implement operating policies and procedures required for managing an agency and delivering services, including provisions for safeguarding individuals receiving services.


INITIAL CERTIFICATION. Notwithstanding section (2) of this rule, an applicant intending to provide program services as defined in OAR 411-323-0020 (Definitions and Acronyms) must apply for an initial certificate and demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that the applicant is in compliance with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, and the corresponding program rules.


The applicant must submit an application to the Department at least 90 calendar days prior to the proposed date of delivery of services to individuals. The completed application must be on the applicable Department form and must include all information requested by the Department.


At a minimum, the applicant must provide:


A copy of any management agreements or contracts relative to the operation and ownership of the agency;


A financial plan that includes financial statements indicating capital and the financial plan developed to assure sustainability, partnerships, loans, and any other financial assistance; and


As required by 42 CFR 455.104, the name, date of birth, and social security number for each person currently serving as the Board of Directors for the agency, and as changes are made.


The applicant must develop a plan identifying the scope of services the applicant intends to provide and request endorsement for each program type as described in OAR 411-323-0035 (Endorsement).


The applicant must demonstrate proof of liability and operational insurance coverage.


The agency must, at the expense of the agency, maintain in effect with respect to all occurrences taking place during the certification period, liability and operational insurance as described in the contract the agency has with the Department including, but not limited to, automobile liability insurance, comprehensive or commercial general liability insurance, and workers’ compensation coverage if required.


The agency must name the State of Oregon, Department of Human Services and the divisions, officers, and employees of the Department as additionally insured on any insurance policies required by their contract with respect to agency activities being performed under the certification of the agency. Such insurance must be issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in Oregon and must contain a 30-day notice of cancellation endorsement.


The agency must forward certificates of insurance indicating coverage to the Department as required by this rule.


In the event of unilateral cancellation or restriction by the insurance company of any insurance coverage required by their contract, the agency must immediately notify the Department orally of the cancellation or restriction and must confirm the cancellation or restriction in writing within three calendar days of receiving notification from the insurance company.




To renew a certificate, an agency must:


Submit an application to the Department at least 90 calendar days prior to the expiration date of the existing certificate for the agency. The completed application must be on the applicable Department form and must include all information requested by the Department. At a minimum, the agency must provide the following:
A copy of any management agreements or contracts relative to the operation and ownership of the agency.
A financial plan that includes audits for the previous two years as described in section (5) of this rule.
As required by 42 CFR 455.104, the name, date of birth, and social security number for each person currently serving as the Board of Directors for the agency, and as changes are made.


Identify the scope of services the agency provides and provide proof of endorsement for each program service as described in OAR 411-323-0035 (Endorsement).


Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that the agency is in compliance with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, and the corresponding program rules.


Demonstrate proof of continued liability and operational insurance coverage as described in section (3)(d) of this rule.


An application for renewal filed with the Department before the date of expiration extends the effective date of the existing certificate until the Department takes action upon the application for renewal.


If the renewal application is not submitted to the Department prior to the date the certificate expires, the agency is considered a non-certified Medicaid agency and is subject to termination of their Medicaid Agency Identification Number.




An agency certified and endorsed to provide program services, receiving revenue of $1,000,000 or more per fiscal year, must obtain an audit at least once during the biennium.


An agency certified and endorsed to provide program services, receiving less than $1,000,000 in revenue per fiscal year, must submit financial statements that have been audited, reviewed, or compiled by a Certified Public Accountant at least once during the biennium.


An audit or the audited financial statements must be submitted to the Department within 90 calendar days of the end of the fiscal year following.


CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION. Unless revoked, suspended, or terminated earlier, a certificate to operate as a Medicaid provider agency expires two years following the date of issuance.


CERTIFICATE TERMINATION. A certificate automatically terminates on the date agency operation is discontinued or if there is a change in ownership.


RETURN OF CERTIFICATE. A certificate must be returned to the Department immediately upon suspension or revocation of the certificate or when agency operation is discontinued.


An agency must notify the Department in writing of any pending change in the ownership, legal entity, legal status, or management corporation of the agency.


A new certificate is required upon a change in the ownership, legal entity, legal status, or management corporation of the agency. An agency must submit an application as described in section (3) of this rule to the Department at least 30 calendar days prior to a change in ownership, legal entity, legal status, or management corporation.


CERTIFICATE ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTION. An administrative sanction may be imposed for non-compliance with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411 division 004, or the corresponding program rules. An administrative sanction on a certificate includes one or more of the following actions:


A condition as described in section (11) of this rule.


Denial, revocation, or refusal to renew a certificate as described in section (12) of this rule.


Immediate suspension of a certificate as described in section (13) of this rule.




The Department may attach conditions to a certificate that limit, restrict, or specify other criteria for operation of an agency. The type of condition attached to a certificate must directly relate to a risk of harm or potential risk of harm to individuals.


The Department may attach a condition to a certificate upon any of the following findings:


Information on the application or initial inspection requires a condition to protect the health, safety, or welfare of individuals.


A threat to the health, safety, or welfare of an individual exists.


There is evidence of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.


The agency is not being operated in compliance with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, or the corresponding program rules.


Conditions that the Department may impose on a certificate include, but are not limited to, the following:


Restricting the total number of individuals to whom an agency may deliver services.


Restricting the total number of individuals to whom an agency may deliver services based upon the capability and capacity of the agency and staff to meet the health and safety needs of all individuals.


Restricting the type of support and services an agency may deliver to individuals based upon the capability and capacity of the agency and staff to meet the health and safety needs of all individuals.


Requiring additional staff or staff qualifications.


Requiring additional training.


Restricting an agency from allowing a person on the premises who may be a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of an individual.


Requiring additional documentation.


Restricting enrollments.


NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE CONDITIONS. The Department issues a written notice to the agency when the Department imposes conditions on the certificate of the agency. The written notice of certificate conditions includes the conditions imposed by the Department, the reason for the conditions, and the opportunity to request a hearing under ORS chapter 183.


Conditions take effect immediately upon issuance of the written notice of certificate conditions or at a later date as indicated on the notice and are a Final Order of the Department unless later rescinded through the hearing process.


The conditions imposed remain in effect until the Department has sufficient cause to believe the situation that warranted the condition has been remedied.




An agency may request a hearing in accordance with ORS chapter 183 and this rule upon receipt of written notice of certificate conditions. The request for a hearing must be in writing. An agency must request a hearing within 21 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of certificate conditions.


In addition to, or in-lieu of a hearing, an agency may request an administrative review as described in section (14) of this rule. The request for an administrative review must be in writing. The administrative review does not diminish the right of the agency to a hearing.


The Department shall be allowed reasonable requests for setting or postponement of any hearing to allow for the conclusion of a protective services investigation when a condition is imposed related to the protective services investigation.


An agency may send a written request to the Department to remove a condition if the agency believes the situation that warranted the condition has been remedied.


Conditions must be posted with the certificate in a prominent location and be available for inspection at all times.




The Department may deny, refuse to renew, or revoke a certificate when the Department finds an agency or any person holding 5 percent or greater ownership interest in the agency:


Demonstrates substantial failure to comply with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, or the corresponding program rules such that the health, safety, or welfare of individuals is jeopardized and the agency fails to correct the non-compliance within 30 calendar days from the receipt of written notice of non-compliance;


Has demonstrated a substantial failure to comply with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, or the corresponding program rules such that the health, safety, or welfare of individuals is jeopardized;


Has been convicted of any crime that would have resulted in an unacceptable background check upon hiring or authorization of program services;


Has been convicted of a misdemeanor associated with the operation of an agency or program services;


Falsifies information required by the Department to be maintained or submitted regarding program services, agency finances, or funds belonging to the individuals;


Has been found to have permitted, aided, or abetted any illegal act that has had significant adverse impact on individual health, safety, or welfare; or


Has been placed on the current Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services list of excluded or debarred providers maintained by the Office of the Inspector General.


NOTICE OF CERTIFICATE DENIAL, REVOCATION, OR REFUSAL TO RENEW. The Department may issue a notice of denial, refusal to renew, or revocation of a certificate following a Department finding that there is a substantial failure to comply with these rules, the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 004, or the corresponding program rules such that the health, safety, or welfare of individuals is jeopardized, or that one or more of the events listed in subsection (a) of this section has occurred.


HEARING. An applicant for a certificate or a certified agency, as applicable, may request a hearing in accordance with ORS chapter 183, this rule, and ORS 443.440 for a 24-hour residential or host home program, upon written notice from the Department of denial, refusal to renew, or revocation of a certificate. The request for a hearing must be in writing.


DENIAL. The applicant must request a hearing within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of denial.


REFUSAL TO RENEW. The agency must request a hearing within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of refusal to renew.


Notwithstanding subsection (ii) of this section, the agency must request a hearing within 21 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of revocation.


In addition to, or in-lieu of a hearing, the agency may request an administrative review as described in section (14) of this rule. The request for an administrative review must be in writing.


The administrative review does not diminish the right of the agency to a hearing.
An agency endorsed to operate a 24-hour residential program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 325 or a host home program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 348, must request a hearing within 10 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of revocation.




When the Department finds a serious and immediate threat to individual health and safety and sets forth the specific reasons for such findings, the Department may, by written notice to an agency, immediately suspend a certificate without a pre-suspension hearing and the agency may not continue operating.


HEARING. The agency may request a hearing in accordance with ORS chapter 183, this rule, and ORS 443.440 for a 24-hour residential or host home program, upon written notice from the Department of the immediate suspension of the certificate. The request for a hearing must be in writing.


Notwithstanding subsection (B) of this section, the agency must request a hearing within 21 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of suspension.
In addition to, or in-lieu of a hearing, the agency may request an administrative review as described in section (14) of this rule. The request for an administrative review must be in writing.
The administrative review does not diminish the right of the agency to a hearing.


An agency endorsed to operate a 24-hour residential program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 325 or a host home program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 348, must request a hearing within 10 calendar days from the receipt of the written notice of suspension.




Notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, an agency, in addition to the right to a hearing, may request an administrative review. The request for an administrative review must be in writing.


An agency endorsed to operate a 24-hour residential program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 325 or a host home program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 348, may not request an administrative review for revocation or suspension. An agency endorsed to operate a 24-hour residential program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 325 or a host home program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 348 may request an administrative review for imposition of conditions.


The Department must receive a written request for an administrative review within 10 business days from the receipt of the notice of suspension, revocation, or imposition of conditions. An agency may submit, along with the written request for an administrative review, any additional written materials the agency wishes to have considered during the administrative review.


The determination of the administrative review is issued in writing within 10 business days from the receipt of the written request for an administrative review, or by a later date as agreed to by the agency.


An agency, notwithstanding subsection (b) of this section, may request a hearing if the decision of the Department is to affirm the suspension, revocation, or condition. The request for a hearing must be in writing. The Department must receive the written request for a hearing within 21 calendar days from the receipt of the original written notice of suspension, revocation, or imposition of conditions.


INFORMAL CONFERENCE. Unless an administrative review has been completed as described in section (14) of this rule, an applicant or agency requesting a hearing may have an informal conference with the Department.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-323-0030’s source at or​.us