OAR 411-323-0063
Abuse and Incident Handling and Reporting


ABUSE REPORTING. If a mandatory reporter has a reasonable cause to believe that abuse of an individual has occurred, the mandatory reporter must report or cause a report to be made immediately by phone or otherwise to the local CDDP, local law enforcement agency, or the Department. The duty to report suspected abuse is personal and is not fulfilled by reporting the abuse to the agency, provider, or any other staff even if the agency, provider, or other staff reports the abuse. A provider must also immediately notify the following:


The local law enforcement agency if there is reason to suspect a crime has occurred.


Child Welfare if the allegation of abuse involves a child.


In the case of a serious illness, serious injury, or death of an individual, a provider must immediately, but not later than one business day, notify all of the following (as applicable):


The individual’s case management entity.


Any other agency responsible for, or delivering services to, the individual.


A provider must immediately, but not later than one business day, notify an individual’s case management entity of:


The use of an emergency physical restraint. Timelines for notification included in a Temporary Emergency Safety Plan supersede the timeline established by this section.


The use of a safeguarding intervention or safeguarding equipment resulting in an injury to the individual.


In the case where an individual is missing without support beyond the time frame identified in the individual’s ISP, the provider responsible for the care of the individual at the time the individual is discovered to be missing must immediately notify all of the following:


The local law enforcement agency.


The individual’s case management entity.


A notification required by sections (1), (2), (3), or (4) of this rule must occur by phone, in-person, email, writing, or verbally and maintain confidentiality.




A provider must complete a written incident report for any of the following:


Serious incident.


Allegation of abuse.


Use of a safeguarding intervention.


Use of an emergency crisis strategy when an individual has a Temporary Emergency Safety Plan.


Fire requiring the services of a fire department.


An incident report, when completed as required in subsection (a) of this section, must be:


Submitted to the individual’s case management entity within five business days of the incident.


Maintained by the provider in the individual’s record.


A copy of an incident report provided to an individual’s legal representative or other service providers must have confidential information about other individuals removed or redacted as required by federal and state privacy laws.


PROTECTIVE SERVICES. When a CDDP or OTIS abuse investigator determines that a provider must take a protective services action following a report of abuse, the provider must implement the action. If unable to implement the action, the provider must immediately notify the abuse investigator.


Any protective services must be provided in a manner that is least intrusive to adult individuals and provide for the greatest degree of independence available within existing resources.


The provider must report the outcome of protective services to the abuse investigator upon completion.


Contact the case management entity to develop alternative actions that are designed to prevent the recurrence of abuse or serious incident.

Source: Rule 411-323-0063 — Abuse and Incident Handling and Reporting, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-323-0063.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-323-0063’s source at or​.us