OAR 411-345-0160
Individual Support Plan and Career Development Planning
(E) Copies of documents relating to court orders, probation and parole information, or any other legal restrictions on the rights of the individual (if applicable).
(F) A copy of any completed and signed forms documenting consent to an individually-based limitation described in OAR 411-004-0040 (Individually-Based Limitations). The form must be signed by the individual, and, if applicable the legal representative of the individual.
(G) Copies of documents relating to health care representation.
(H) Emergency contact information.
(I) Records describing medication taken by the individual that emergency medical personnel must be aware of in the event of an emergency.
(d) Any other documentation the individual has agreed needs to be shared for the delivery of employment services.
(b) A mitigation strategy or protocol that addresses each identified relevant risk. The risk mitigation strategies or protocols must be given to an individual and the individual’s case manager before services begin for the ISP year.
Rule 411-345-0160 — Individual Support Plan and Career Development Planning, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=411-345-0160