OAR 411-380-0060
Qualifications for Providers of Direct Nursing Services


Direct nursing services may be delivered by the following enrolled Medicaid providers:


A self-employed LPN or RN licensed under ORS 678.021 (License required to practice nursing) that may also be an adult foster home provider or family member.


An adult foster home provider must also be licensed under OAR 411-360-0040 (License Required).


The decision to have an adult foster home provider or family member deliver direct nursing services must:
Be made by the individual and the ISP team;
Be documented; and
Not be for the convenience of the adult foster home provider or family member.


Home health agency licensed under ORS 443.015 (License required) and meeting the requirements in OAR chapter 333, division 027.


In-home care agency licensed under ORS 443.315 (License required) and meeting the requirements in OAR chapter 333, division 536.


A direct nursing services agency meeting the requirements in OAR 411-380-0065 (Standards for Direct Nursing Services Agencies).


A provider of direct nursing services must:


Be a licensed RN or LPN with a current and unencumbered license; and


Meet and maintain the provider enrollment requirements under OAR 407-120-0320 (Provider Enrollment) and section (5) of this rule. .


At least one year of experience working with individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities is recommended, but not required.




Providers must enroll through the MMIS system by:


Completing and submitting the Medicaid Provider Enrollment Application that includes the Provider Enrollment Agreement;


Completing a Background Check as described in OAR 407-007-0200 (Purpose and Scope) through 407-007-0370 (Variances). Background check approval is effective for two years from the initial fitness determination; and


Enrolling, receiving, and submitting a National Provider Index Number.


An applicant listed in the exclusions database of the Office of the Inspector General is not eligible to become an enrolled Medicaid provider according to OAR 410-120-1400 (Provider Sanctions)(3)(b).


All enrolled Medicaid providers must comply with federal, state, and Department conflict of interest regulations or policy.

Source: Rule 411-380-0060 — Qualifications for Providers of Direct Nursing Services, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-380-0060.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-380-0060’s source at or​.us