OAR 411-415-0040
Case Manager Staff Requirements

(1) CASE MANAGER. The case manager must have knowledge of the public service system for developmental disabilities services in Oregon and at least:
(a) A bachelor’s degree in behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field;
(b) A bachelor’s degree in any field and one year of human services related experience, such as work providing assistance to people and groups with issues, such as economical disadvantages, employment, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or housing;
(c) An associate’s degree in a behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field and two years of human services related experience, such as work providing assistance to people and groups with issues, such as economical disadvantages, employment, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or housing; or
(2) CASE MANAGER TRAINING. The case manager must participate in a core competency training sequence approved by the Department. The core competency training sequence is not a substitute for the normal procedural orientation that must be provided by the CME to the new case manager.
(a) The orientation provided by the CME to a new case manager must include:
(A) An overview of the role and responsibilities of a case manager.
(B) An overview of developmental disabilities services and related human services within the geographic service area of the CME.
(C) An overview of the Department’s rules governing the CME.
(D) An overview of the Department’s administrative rules, policies, and Expenditure Guidelines for services and service providers that may be authorized by the CME.
(E) An overview of the enrollment process and required documents needed for enrollment into the Department’s electronic payment and reporting system.
(F) A review and orientation of Medicaid, SSI, Social Security Administration, home and community-based waiver and state plan services, OHP, and the individual support planning processes for the services they coordinate.
(G) A review (prior to having contact with individuals) of the case manager’s responsibility as a mandatory reporter of abuse, including abuse of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, individuals with mental illness, older adults, individuals with physical disabilities, and children.
(b) The case manager must participate in an on-line series of required case management core competency modules as follows:
(A) A case manager hired after January 1, 2017 must complete:
(i) Tier 1 trainings within 30 calendar days from the date of employment and before working unassisted.
(ii) Tier 2 trainings within 90 calendar days from the date of employment.
(B) Other case managers must complete core competency modules as directed by the Department.
(c) Within the first year, the case manager must attend or participate in ISP training that is endorsed or sponsored by the Department.
(d) The case manager must continue to enhance his or her knowledge, as well as maintain a basic understanding of developmental disabilities services, self-determination, person-centered thinking and practices, and the skills, knowledge, and responsibilities necessary to perform the duties of the position. Each case manager must participate in a minimum of 20 hours per year of Department sponsored training or other training in the areas of intellectual or developmental disabilities.

Source: Rule 411-415-0040 — Case Manager Staff Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-415-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-415-0040’s source at or​.us