OAR 413-010-0035
Prohibited Disclosures


If a court order or a specific statute requires the Department to disclose information that this rule protects, the Department must disclose the information.


The Department may not disclose client information:


For purposes not directly connected with the administration of child welfare laws; or


When disclosure is not required nor authorized by:


ORS 419B.035 (Confidentiality of records) (governing confidentiality of child abuse records), set out in section (11) of this rule;


ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance) (governing confidentiality of juvenile court records) set out in section (12) of this rule; or


Another statute.


The Department may not disclose investigatory information compiled for criminal law purposes, including the record of an arrest or a report of a crime, unless:


The Department determines after consultation with law enforcement or a prosecutor that the information can be disclosed without interfering with an ongoing law enforcement investigation or prosecution of a case; or


The Department determines that disclosure is required by ORS 419B.035 (Confidentiality of records)(1)(i) because a child, as the result of abuse, died or suffered serious physical injury taking into account the factors listed in ORS 419B.035 (Confidentiality of records)(2)(a).


Department employees may not disclose the information described in section (3) of this rule unless authorized to do so by the manager or designee.


A person authorized to review client records may not review the complete case file if the complete file contains confidential information about other persons, including, but not limited to other clients, ex-spouses, battering partners, housemates, and half-siblings unless the other person provides written consent that meets the requirements of OAR 413-010-0045 (Mandatory Disclosure)(2)(a).


The Department may not disclose the records of a patient at a drug and alcohol abuse treatment facility to any person without the consent of the patient.


The Department may not disclose client information contained in a record sealed by a court order of expunction or any part of the expunged record.


Department Adoption Records.


The Department must seal Department adoption records in its possession consistent with ORS 109.319 (Separate record of the case).


The Department may not access, use, or disclose Department adoption records in its possession except as provided in ORS 109.319 (Separate record of the case).


Subject to subsection (d) of this section, the Department may, without a court order, access, use, or disclose Department adoption records in its possession for the purpose of providing adoption services or administering child welfare services that the Department is authorized to provide under federal or state law.


The Child Permanency or Post-Adoption Program Manager, or their designee, must authorize the unsealing of and access to, use of, or disclosure of Department adoption records by other Department employees.


The Department may, upon request and if available, disclose the county in which an adoption was finalized and the case number of the adoption proceeding as provided in section 6 of HB 2365 (2015).


Reporter of Abuse. The identity of the person making a report of suspected child abuse, and any identifying information about the reporting person, must be removed from the records or shielded from view before records are viewed or copied. The name, address or other identifying information may only be disclosed to a law enforcement officer or district attorney in order to complete an investigation report of child abuse.


Reports and Records Compiled Pursuant to the Child Abuse Reporting Law.


Each report of suspected child abuse must be immediately reported to a law enforcement agency.


The Department must assist in the protection of a child who is believed to have been abused by providing information as needed to:


The juvenile court;


The district attorney;


Any law enforcement agency or a child abuse registry in another state investigating a child abuse report;


Members of a child protection team or consultants involved in assessing whether or not abuse occurred and determining appropriate treatment for the child and family;


A physician who is examining a child or providing care or treatment, and needs information about the child’s history of abuse; and


A non-abusing parent, foster parent, or other non-abusing person responsible for the care of the child.


A report, record, or findings of an assessment of child abuse may not be disclosed until the assessment is completed, except for the reasons stated in paragraphs (e)(A) and (B) of this section. An assessment will not be considered completed while either a protective service assessment or a related criminal investigation is in process. The Department determines when the protective service assessment is completed. The district attorney determines when a criminal investigation is completed.


Records or findings of completed child abuse assessments must be released upon request to the following:


Attorneys of record for the child or child’s parent or guardian in a juvenile court proceeding for use in that proceeding; and


A citizen review board established by the Department or by a juvenile court to review the status of children under the jurisdiction of the court for the purpose of completing a case review. Before providing information to a citizen review board, the Department must assure that the board has informed participants of their statutory responsibility to keep the information confidential, and will maintain records in an official, confidential file.


Records or information from records of abuse assessments may be disclosed to other interested parties if the Department determines that disclosure to a person or organization is necessary to:


Administer child welfare services and is in the best interests of the affected child. When disclosure is made for the administration of child welfare services, the Department will release only the information necessary to serve its purpose; and


Prevent abuse, assess reports of abuse, or protect children from further abuse.


Juvenile Court Records in Department Files.


The Department may not disclose records and information in its possession that are also contained in the juvenile court’s record of the case or supplemental confidential file, defined in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, except as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance) and other federal and state confidentiality laws pertaining to client records.


Record of the Case.


The juvenile court’s “record of the case”, as defined in ORS 419A.252 (Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256), includes but is not limited to the summons, the petition, papers in the nature of pleadings, answers, motions, affidavits, and other papers filed with the court, orders and judgments, including supporting documentation, exhibits and materials offered as exhibits whether or not received in evidence, and other records listed in ORS 419A.252 (Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256).


The record of the case is unavailable for public inspection, but is open to inspection and copying as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance).


Supplemental Confidential File.


The juvenile court’s “supplemental confidential file”, as defined in ORS 419A.252 (Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256), includes reports and other material relating to the child’s history and prognosis, including but not limited to reports filed under ORS 419B.440 (Circumstances requiring reports), that are not or do not become part of the record of the case and are not offered or received as evidence in the case.


The supplemental confidential file is unavailable for public inspection, but is open to inspection and copying as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance).


The Department is entitled to copies of material maintained in the supplemental confidential file and if such material is obtained, the Department must ensure the confidentiality of that material as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance).


Reports and other materials relating to the child’s history and prognosis in the record of the case or in the supplemental confidential file are privileged and except at the request of the child, are unavailable for public inspection but are open to inspection and copying as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance).


When the Department inspects or obtains copies of reports, materials, or documents pursuant to ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance)(4), the Department may not use or disclose the reports, materials, or documents except as provided in ORS 419A.255 (Maintenance).


Records Received from the Oregon Youth Authority or the Juvenile Department. The Department must preserve the confidentiality of reports and other materials it receives from the Oregon Youth Authority or the juvenile department relating to the child, ward, youth or youth offender’s history and prognosis, as provided in ORS 419A.257 (Reports and materials privileged).

Source: Rule 413-010-0035 — Prohibited Disclosures, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-010-0035.

Protection of Information
Prohibited Disclosures
Mandatory Disclosure
Mandatory Disclosure if in the Child’s Best Interest
Discretionary Disclosure
Disclosure of Information Exempt Under the Public Records Law
Disclosure Procedures
Rights of Children and Young Adults in the Legal Custody of the Department
Department Responsibilities
Department Responsibilities
Attorney Interview
Other Interviews
Relative Involvement in Case Planning and Court Hearings
Communication and Visitation
Department Responsibility to Make Diligent Efforts to Place a Child or Young Adult with Relatives
Right to Review
Grievances Not Subject to These Rules
Informal Complaint Review
Judicial Review
Purpose, Right to Request Hearing, Applicable Rules, and Computation of Time
Hearing Requests
Continuation of Benefits
Informal Conference
Burden of Proof
Withdrawals and Dismissals
Proposed and Final Orders
Required Forms
Notice and Review when the Perpetrator is a Department Employee
Providing Notice of a CPS Founded Disposition
Providing Notice of a CPS Founded Disposition and Other Documents to a Juvenile
Inquiry about a Review When a CPS Founded Disposition was Made Prior to August 4, 2000
Inquiry about a Review of a CPS Founded Disposition When a Person Believes They Have Not Received a Notice
Information Included in the “Notice of a CPS Founded Disposition” (Form CF 313)
Making a Request for a Review of a CPS Founded Disposition
Determining When Legal Findings Preclude a Right to Request a Review and Providing Notice of Legal Proceeding (Form CF 317)
Providing a Notice of Legal Finding (Form CF 318)
Providing a Notice of Waived Rights (Form CF 316) When a Request for Review Has Been Received
Local Child Welfare Office Responsibilities Related to Notices and Reviews
Local Child Welfare Office Review of CPS Founded Dispositions
Notice of Local Child Welfare Office CPS Founded Disposition Review Decision
Requesting a Central Office Review
Local Office Responsibilities in a Request for Central Office CPS Founded Disposition Review
Central Office Review of CPS Founded Dispositions
Notice of Central Office CPS Founded Disposition Review Decision
Review Initiated by the Department
Revising Founded Abuse Dispositions in the Department’s Electronic Information System
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-010-0035’s source at