OAR 413-030-0013
Requirements when Obtaining Medical, Psychological, or Psychiatric Evaluations


The caseworker may secure an expert evaluation of the parent, guardian, or child, when appropriate, to determine treatment or service needs or to assist in assessing child safety when there is a specific condition or behavior that requires additional professional information regarding a person’s functioning. Examples include, but are not limited to:


The parent, guardian, or child is displaying unusual or bizarre behaviors that are indicative of emotional or behavioral problems;


Physical illness, physical disability, or mental illness;


Suicidal ideation; or


Homicidal ideation.

Source: Rule 413-030-0013 — Requirements when Obtaining Medical, Psychological, or Psychiatric Evaluations, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-030-0013.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-030-0013’s source at or​.us