OAR 416-100-0005


Child: An individual, whether over or under the age of majority, who is or is alleged to be owed a duty of support by the individual’s parent or who is or is alleged to be the beneficiary of a support order directed to the parent.


Child Attending School: A child of the parties who is unmarried and unemancipated, is 18 years of age or older and under 21 years of age, is making satisfactory academic progress as defined by the school that the child attends, and has a course load that is no less than one-half of the load that is determined by the school to constitute full time enrollment.


Close-custody facility: Any OYA facility, including but not limited to youth correctional facilities (YCF), work/study camps, and transition camps.


DCS (Division of Child Support): The division of the Oregon Department of Justice that is responsible for providing services under ORS 25.080 (Entity primarily responsible for support enforcement services), Support Enforcement.


Obligor: An individual or the estate of a decedent who owes or is alleged to owe a duty of support; who is alleged but has not been adjudicated to be a parent of a child; or who is liable under a support order.


Regularly-scheduled break: a summer semester or term; a period of time not exceeding four months between graduation from or completion of school and the beginning of the next regularly scheduled term, semester or course of study at school; a period of time between the end and beginning of regularly scheduled consecutive school semesters, terms or course of study; or any other scheduled break between courses of study that is defined by the school as a regularly-scheduled break.


School: An educational facility such as a high school, community college, four-year college or university; a course of professional, vocational, or technical training, including the Job Corps, designed to fit the child for gainful employment; a high school equivalency course, including but not limited to a General Educational Development (GED) program, or an educational program for grade 12 or below and home schooling.


Substitute care: Out-of-home residential placement in the community that provides 24-hour-a-day care and treatment, excluding a relative’s home. Such placements include, but are not limited to, foster care and contracted residential treatment programs.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-100-0005’s source at or​.us