OAR 416-415-0020


Facility Work Program: A type of Work Program in which Offenders are supervised while performing a job or a service administered within an OYA facility’s secure perimeter.


Major Behavior Violation: Behavior that is prohibited and unacceptable within an OYA facility or program and is immediately threatening to life, health, or facility safety, security or good order. Specific behaviors are listed as Levels Zero, One, and Two prohibited behaviors on the Offender Behavior Refocus Option Matrix, Exhibit 1 to OAR 416-470-0020 (Prohibited Behaviors and Refocus Options).


Multidisciplinary Team (MDT): A group of persons including, but not limited to, OYA employees, the Offender’s family, and service providers responsible for developing, reviewing and revising the Offender’s comprehensive case plan.


Offender: Includes both DOC Offenders and Youth Offenders.


Offsite Work Program: A type of Work Program in which Offenders are supervised while performing a job or service beyond an OYA close-custody facility’s property.


Onsite Work Program: A type of Work Program in which Offenders are supervised while performing a job or service on an OYA close-custody facility’s property but beyond the facility’s secure perimeter.


OYA: Oregon Youth Authority


Program Staff: Any OYA employee, contractor (and contractor’s employees/staff), or volunteer, who works with Offenders in a Work Program.


Stipend: Monetary incentive for participation in a Work Program to promote positive Offender development, reformation, and rehabilitation.


Vocational Program: A program or sequence of courses or instructional units that provides an Offender with academic and technical knowledge, skills, and proficiencies to prepare the Offender for employment or further or advanced education.


Work Program: An OYA-approved program in which Offenders perform a job or service as part of their treatment, education, or vocational training curriculum.


Work Program Manager: A designated OYA management staff member who oversees a specific Work Program and the program’s policy compliance.


Work Release: A type of Work Program in which Offenders are temporarily released from an OYA close-custody facility or are authorized to leave the facility grounds to perform a job or service in a community setting without supervision.


Youth Offender: A person who has been found to be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under ORS 419C.005 (Jurisdiction) for an act committed when the person was under 18 years of age, and who has been placed in the legal and physical custody of OYA.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-415-0020’s source at or​.us