OAR 436-009-0001
Purpose and Applicability of These Rules


Purpose. The purpose of these rules is to establish uniform standards for administering the payment for medical benefits to workers within the workers’ compensation system.


Applicability of Rules.


These rules apply to all services rendered on or after the effective date of these rules.
(b) The director may waive procedural rules as justice requires, unless otherwise obligated by statute.
(c) Any orders issued by the division in carrying out the director’s authority to enforce Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) chapter 656 and Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) chapter 436, are considered orders of the director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

Source: Rule 436-009-0001 — Purpose and Applicability of These Rules, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 436-009-0001’s source at