OAR 436-009-0998
Sanctions and Civil Penalties


The director may impose sanctions upon a medical provider or insurer for violation of these rules in accordance with OAR 436-010-0340 (Sanctions and Civil Penalties).


If an insurer applies a contract or fee discount agreement to a provider’s bill that is incorrect, the insurer must pay the provider’s bill at the provider’s usual fee or according to the fee schedule, whichever is less, and the insurer may be subject to a civil penalty.


Although insurers may contract with provider networks for certain services, the insurer is responsible for their own actions as well as the actions of others acting on the insurer’s behalf. If an insurer or someone acting on the insurer’s behalf violates any provision of these rules, the director may impose a civil penalty against the insurer.


If the director finds a pattern and practice, or an egregious violation of applying incorrect discounts to providers’ fees under these rules, by an insurer or someone acting on the insurer’s behalf, the director may issue a civil penalty up to the amount allowed under ORS Chapter 656 (Workers’ Compensation).

Source: Rule 436-009-0998 — Sanctions and Civil Penalties, .

Last Updated

Jun. 24, 2021

Rule 436-009-0998’s source at