OAR 436-010-0220
Choosing and Changing Medical Providers

(1) The worker may have only one attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner at a time. Concurrent treatment or services by other medical providers, including specialist physicians, must be sufficiently different that separate medical skills are needed for proper care, and must be based on a written referral by the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner. The referral must specify any limitations and a copy must be sent to the insurer. A specialist physician is authorized to provide or order all compensable medical services and treatment he or she considers appropriate, unless the referral is for a consultation only. The attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner continues to be responsible for authorizing temporary disability even if the specialist physician is providing or authorizing medical services and treatment. Physicians who provide the following services are not considered attending physicians:
(a) Emergency services;
(b) Insurer or director requested examinations;
(c) A Worker Requested Medical Examination;
(d) Consultations or referrals for specialized treatment or services initiated by the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner; and
(e) Diagnostic studies provided by radiologists and pathologists upon referral.
(2) Changing Attending Physician or Authorized Nurse Practitioner. The worker may choose to change his or her attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner only twice after the initial choice. When the worker requests a referral by the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner to another attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner, the change will count as one of the worker’s choices. The limitation of the worker’s right to choose attending physicians or authorized nurse practitioners begins with the date of injury and extends through the life of the claim. The following are not considered changes of attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner initiated by the worker and do not count toward the worker’s two changes:
(a) When the worker has an attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner who works in a group setting/facility and the worker sees another group member due to team practice, coverage, or on-call routines;
(b) When the worker’s attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner is not available and the worker sees a medical provider who is covering for that provider in their absence; or
(c) When the worker is required to change attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner due to conditions beyond the worker’s control. This could include, but is not limited to:
(A) When the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner terminates practice or leaves the area;
(B) When the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner is no longer willing to treat the worker;
(C) When the worker moves out of the area requiring more than a 50 mile commute to the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner;
(D) When the period for treatment or services by a type B attending physician or an authorized nurse practitioner has expired (See Appendix A “Matrix for Health Care Provider Types”);
(E) When the authorized nurse practitioner is required to refer the worker to an attending physician for a closing examination or because of a possible worsening of the worker’s condition following claim closure;
(F) When the worker becomes subject to a managed care organization (MCO) contract and must change to an attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner on the MCO’s panel;
(G) When the worker who, at the time of MCO enrollment was required to change attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner, is disenrolled from an MCO; or
(H) When the worker has to change because their attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner is no longer qualified as an attending physician or authorized to continue providing compensable medical services.
(3) Insurer Notice to the Worker. When the worker has changed attending physicians or authorized nurse practitioners twice by choice or has reached the maximum number of changes established by the MCO, the insurer must notify the worker by certified mail that any additional changes by choice must be approved by the insurer or the director. If the insurer fails to provide such notice and the worker later chooses another attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner, the insurer must pay for compensable medical services rendered prior to notice to the worker. The insurer must notify the newly selected provider that the worker was not allowed to change his or her attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner without approval of the insurer or director, and therefore any future services will not be paid. The insurer must pay for appropriate medical services rendered prior to this notification.
(4) Worker Requesting Additional Changes of Attending Physician or Authorized Nurse Practitioner.
(a) If a worker not enrolled in an MCO has changed attending physicians or authorized nurse practitioners by choice twice (or for MCO enrolled workers, the maximum allowed by the MCO) and wants to change again, the worker must request approval from the insurer. The worker must make the request in writing or by signing Form 827. The insurer must respond to the worker within 14 days of receiving the request whether the change is approved. If the insurer objects to the change, the insurer must:
(A) Send the worker a written explanation of the reasons;
(B) Send the worker Form 2332 (Worker’s Request to Change Attending Physician or Authorized Nurse Practitioner); and
(C) Inform the worker that he or she may request director approval by sending Form 2332 to the director.
(b) When the worker submits a request to the director for an additional change of attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner, the director may request, in writing, additional information. If the director requests additional information, the parties must respond in writing within 14 days of the director’s request.
(c) The director will issue an order advising whether the request for change of attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner is approved. On a case-by-case basis the director will consider circumstances, such as:
(A) Whether there is medical justification for a change, e.g., whether the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner can provide the type of treatment or service that is appropriate for the worker’s condition.
(B) Whether the worker has moved to a new area and wants to establish an attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner closer to the worker’s residence.
(d) Any party that disagrees with the director’s order may request a hearing by filing a request for hearing as provided in OAR 436-001-0019 (Requests for Hearing) within 30 days of the mailing date of the order.
(5) Managed Care Organization (MCO) Enrolled Workers.
(a) An MCO enrolled worker must choose:
(A) A panel provider unless the MCO approves a non-panel provider, or
(B) A “come-along provider” who provides medical services subject to the terms and conditions of the governing MCO.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, if a worker is unable to find three providers that are willing to treat the worker in a category of providers listed in OAR 436-015-0030 (Applying for Certification)(6)(a) and (b) in the worker’s geographic service area (GSA), the worker may contact the MCO for a list of three providers who are willing to treat the worker. If the MCO, within a reasonable period of time, is unable to provide a list of three providers who are willing to treat the worker, the worker may choose a non-panel provider in that category.
(c) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, if the MCO has fewer than three providers in a category of providers listed in OAR 436-015-0030 (Applying for Certification)(6)(a) and (b) in the worker’s GSA, the worker may choose a non-panel provider in that category.
[NOTE: Forms & Appendices referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 436-010-0220 — Choosing and Changing Medical Providers, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=436-010-0220.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 436-010-0220’s source at