OAR 436-010-0225
Choosing a Person to Provide Interpreter Services


A worker may choose a person to communicate with a medical provider when the worker and the medical provider speak different languages, including sign language. The worker may choose a family member, a friend, an employee of the medical provider, or someone who provides interpreter services as a profession. However, a representative of the worker’s employer may not provide interpreter services. The medical provider may disapprove of the worker’s choice at any time the medical provider feels the interpreter services are not improving communication with the worker, or feels the interpretation is not complete or accurate.
(2) When a worker asks an insurer to arrange for interpreter services, the insurer must use a certified or qualified health care interpreter listed on the Oregon Health Care Interpreter Registry of the Oregon Health Authority, available at: http:/­/­www.oregon.gov/­OHA/­OEI/­Pages/­HCI-Program.aspx. The interpreter’s certification or qualification must be in effect on the date the interpreter services are provided. If no certified or qualified health care interpreter is available, the insurer may schedule an interpreter of its choice subject to the limits in section (1) of this rule.
(3) For the purpose of this rule, interpreter services means the act of orally translating between a medical provider and a patient who speak different languages, including sign language. It includes reasonable time spent waiting at the location for the medical provider to examine or treat the patient as well as reasonable time spent on necessary paperwork for the provider’s office.

Source: Rule 436-010-0225 — Choosing a Person to Provide Interpreter Services, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 436-010-0225’s source at