OAR 438-006-0065


An Administrative Law Judge shall consolidate into one proceeding all cases in which a claimant has requested hearings involving denials of responsibility for a claim issued by insurers or self-insured employers under ORS 656.308 (Responsibility for payment of claims)(2)(a).


Any request for hearing pertaining to the same claim or claimant as that of a pending hearing request should also recite whether the request for hearing should be consolidated with a pending hearing request or be separately scheduled for hearing.


Except as provided in ORS 656.308 (Responsibility for payment of claims)(2)(a) and section (1) of this rule, a hearing request complying with section (2) of this rule shall be processed pursuant to the recitation contained in the hearing request.


A hearing request not complying with section (2) of this rule shall be referred to the Administrative Law Judge assigned to any pending request for hearing pertaining to the same claim or claimant or to the Presiding Administrative Law Judge or his/her designee, who shall determine, in the interests of substantial justice to all parties, whether the request will be consolidated or separately scheduled for hearing.


On his/her own motion or, in response to a party’s written motion filed no less than seven (7) days prior to a scheduled hearing, the assigned Administrative Law Judge or the Presiding Administrative Law Judge or his/her designee may, in the interests of substantial justice to all parties, bifurcate consolidated requests for hearing or consolidate separately scheduled hearings.

Source: Rule 438-006-0065 — Consolidation/Joinder/Bifurcation, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 438-006-0065’s source at