OAR 459-005-0220
Receipt Date for Reports, Documents, Remittances, Payments, Data, and Requests


As used in this rule:


“Imaged date” means the date on which a report, document, remittance, or payment is imaged and stored electronically to a dedicated network server.


“OMS” means PERS’ Online Member Services.


“Online submission date” means the date on which data or a request successfully submitted through OMS is saved to PERS’ system.


“Private express carrier” has the same meaning as in ORS 293.660 (Determining date of filing or receipt of reports, claims, tax returns or remittances)(2).


“Settlement date” means the date on which the participating Depository Financial Institution (DFI) or its correspondent is scheduled to be debited or credited by the Federal Reserve.


If the due date of a report, document, remittance, or payment falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the due date is deemed to be the next business day.


Except as otherwise provided in this rule, any report, document, or remittance required by PERS shall be deemed filed and received on the date of the receipt stamp affixed to the report, document, or remittance when received by PERS. In the case of a check or cash submission, the payment shall be deemed filed and received on the date recorded in PERS’ daily cash receipts log or check log.


Except as otherwise provided in this rule, any report, document, remittance, or payment that does not display a PERS receipt stamp, or has not been recorded in PERS’ daily cash receipts log or check log, shall be deemed filed and received on the imaged date. If the imaged date, cash receipts log date or check log date is later than the due date, the report, document, remittance, or payment shall be deemed filed and received one business day before the imaged date, cash receipts log date, or check log date.


Any report, document, remittance, payment, data, or request required by PERS which is lost or delayed in transmission, shall be deemed filed and received on the date it was mailed or deposited for transmittal to USPS or a private express carrier, or the date it was transmitted by fax, email, or OMS if the sender:


Can establish by evidence satisfactory to PERS that the report, document, remittance, payment, data, or request was deposited for delivery or transmission on or before the date due for filing, and was correctly addressed to PERS.


Evidence satisfactory to PERS for USPS or a private express carrier may include, but is not limited to, documentation provided by USPS or the private express carrier, such as a receipt or delivery confirmation.


Evidence satisfactory to PERS for a fax communication or email transmission that is lost in transmission may include, but is not limited to, an affidavit by the sender verifying that the fax or email was correctly addressed and sent to PERS, together with a copy of any activity report from the sender’s fax or electronic device, and a duplicate of the original report or document.


Evidence satisfactory to PERS for an OMS submission that is lost in transmission may include, but is not limited to, an affidavit by the member verifying that the member submitted the data through OMS, together with a printout of the confirmation message displayed on the member’s screen that the online submission was successful.


Files with PERS a duplicate of the lost report, document, remittance, payment, data, or request in accordance with the transmittal requirements of OAR 459-005-0210 (Transmittal of Reports and Documents) or 459-005-0215 (Transmittal of Remittances or Payments); and


Satisfies the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) of this section within 30 days after PERS notifies the sender in writing of failure to receive the report, document, remittance, or payment.


An electronic funds transfer (EFT) shall be deemed received on the settlement date of the transfer. A settlement date specified by an employer for an EFT shall be no later than the due date specified by PERS for a remittance or a payment.


Any report or document that PERS accepts by e-mail transmission as specified in OAR 459-005-0210 (Transmittal of Reports and Documents)(5), which is transmitted by e-mail to any office of PERS shall be deemed received as of the system-generated date and time stamp that is displayed on the email header line of the email that is received by PERS.


An electronic submission of data made through OMS shall be deemed received on the online submission date.


A report, document, or data transmitted by fax, e-mail, or OMS must be transmitted in accordance with the provisions of this rule and OAR 459-005-0215 (Transmittal of Remittances or Payments), and must be received by PERS before midnight on the due date.
(10) When transmitting a report, document, or data by fax, e-mail, or OMS, the sender bears the risk of failure of the transmission.

Source: Rule 459-005-0220 — Receipt Date for Reports, Documents, Remittances, Payments, Data, and Requests, .

Definitions, Generally
Amendments to Retirement Law
Public Employees Retirement Fund, A Trust
Student Employee
Payments of Sums to Persons Entitled Thereto
Verification of Retirement Data
Actuarial Equivalency Factors
Standards for the Adoption of New Actuarial Equivalency Factors
Definitions — Member’s Fiduciary
Fiduciary Document Requirements
Termination of Member’s Fiduciary
Permissible Actions Under A Fiduciary Document
Effective Date of Fiduciary Document Rules
Incapacity of Members, Beneficiaries, and Alternate Payees
Transmittal of Reports and Documents
Transmittal of Remittances or Payments
Receipt Date for Reports, Documents, Remittances, Payments, Data, and Requests
Requirement to Make Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer
Recovery of Administrative Costs
Accounts Receivable — Fraud
Post-Doctoral Scholar
Date of Participation and Transfer of Employee Funds to the Optional Retirement Plan
Membership Status of Persons in Concurrent Employment Eligible to Participate in an Optional or Alternative Retirement Plan
Date of Participation and Transfer of Employee Funds to an Alternative Retirement Plan — OHSU
General Applicability of Attorney General’s Model Public Contract Rules
Plan Compliance with Federal Statutes and Regulations
Cost-of-Living Adjustment
Ceiling on Compensation for Purposes of Contributions and Benefits
Limitation for Employers with Multiple Retirement Plans — for Contributions and Distributions Before January 1, 2000
Annual Benefit Limitation
Permissive Service Credit
Annual Addition Limitation
Required Minimum Distributions, Generally
Trustee-to-Trustee Transfers
General Provisions and Applicability Date — Direct Rollovers
Definitions — Direct Rollovers
Limitations — Direct Rollovers
Election Procedures — Direct Rollovers
Precedence for Pre-Tax and Post-Tax Deductions from Benefit Payment
Reimbursement for Medical Records Requested by PERS
Recovery of Overpayments
Minimum Retroactive Payment
Uncollectible Debt Owed to PERS
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-005-0220’s source at