OAR 459-015-0040
Proof of Case — Contested Case Hearings


Burden of Proof in Hearings: The burden of proof for entitlement to a disability retirement allowance is upon the applicant. The Board is not required to prove that the applicant is entitled to a disability retirement allowance.


Standards of Proof:


An order granting entitlement to a disability retirement allowance shall be supported in the record by sufficient evidence demonstrating that the applicant suffers from a physical or mental/ emotional injury or disease, and that the applicant is unable to perform any work for which he or she is qualified;


An order denying entitlement to a disability retirement allowance need not be supported by medical or vocational evidence presented by the Board. An order may deny entitlement to a disability retirement allowance if the applicant fails to present sufficient proof of disability and inability to work. An order may deny entitlement to a disability retirement allowance on the basis of medical or vocational evidence presented by the Board.


Professional opinions:


A physician may express an opinion regarding whether the injury or disease was caused by the performance of job duties;


A physician may express an opinion regarding the applicant’s ability to perform any work, related tasks, or functions;


The administrative law judge shall have the discretion to give more weight to the testimony (findings and opinions) of the treating, the examining, or the consulting physician as the facts indicate.

Source: Rule 459-015-0040 — Proof of Case — Contested Case Hearings, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=459-015-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-015-0040’s source at