OAR 459-060-0030
Disclosure of Records Without Consent


Records otherwise exempt from disclosure will be released in compliance with a judicial order, or pursuant to a valid subpoena or administrative order, or as necessary to comply with applicable federal and state tax reporting requirements.


In the case of a medical emergency, medical records otherwise exempt from disclosure will be released only to the extent necessary where there is a clear and immediate danger to the well-being of a member, or a former member, or their surviving dependent(s). A medical emergency exists if a person is injured or, because of some other physical or mental condition, the person is unconscious, delirious or otherwise unable to convey consent.


Notwithstanding OAR 459-060-0020 (Confidentiality of Member Records), records will be disclosed to the extent required by ORS 192.410 to 192.505.

Source: Rule 459-060-0030 — Disclosure of Records Without Consent, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=459-060-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-060-0030’s source at