OAR 459-075-0010
Eligibility and Membership


Eligibility. An employee who is employed in a qualifying position on or after August 29, 2003 by an employer participating in the OPSRP Pension Program is eligible to become a member of that program unless the employee:


Has established membership in the PERS Chapter 238 Program before August 29, 2003 under the terms of ORS 238A.025 (Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan established) and has not terminated membership in that program under ORS 238.095 (Termination of membership);


Is a judge member as defined in ORS 238.500 (Definitions for ORS 238.500 to 238.585);


Elects to participate in an optional or alternative retirement plan as provided in ORS Chapters 243, 341, or 353; or


Is otherwise ineligible for membership.




An employee who meets the requirements in section (1) of this rule becomes a member of the OPSRP Pension Program on the first day of the calendar month following the employee’s completion of a waiting period of six full calendar months of service in a qualifying position with the same participating public employer. The six full calendar months of service may not be interrupted by more than 30 consecutive working days.


The waiting period begins on:


The date the employee is hired, and includes the month of hire as a full calendar month, if the date of hire is the first business day of the month;


The first day of the month following the date of hire; or


The first day of the month following the end date of an interruption of service of more than 30 consecutive working days.


In the event an employee is on an official leave of absence as described in OAR 459-010-0010 (Leave of Absence Without Pay), the period of absence shall not constitute an interruption of the waiting period under subsection (a) of this section. The waiting period shall be extended by the length of the leave of absence.


Absence from service by an educational employee during periods that the employing educational institution is not in session shall not constitute an interruption of the waiting period under subsection (a) of this section.


The provisions of this rule are retroactive to November 23, 2007.

Source: Rule 459-075-0010 — Eligibility and Membership, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-075-0010’s source at