OAR 459-075-0200
Retirement Eligibility for Police Officer and Firefighter Members

(1) For purposes of this rule:
(a) “Police officer” and “firefighter” have the same meaning given them in ORS 238A.005 (Definitions).
(b) “Continuously” means a period during which the member is employed in one or more qualifying positions as a police officer or firefighter in consecutive months without interruption.
(2) For the purpose of establishing eligibility for normal retirement under ORS 238A.160 (Normal retirement age)(2) and early retirement under 238A.165 (Earliest retirement age)(2), an OPSRP Pension Program member will be considered to have held a position as a police officer or firefighter continuously for a period of not less than five years immediately preceding the effective date of retirement if:
(a) The member was employed in a qualifying position as a police officer or firefighter continuously for five years prior to the date of the member’s termination from that employment; and
(b) The member’s effective date of retirement is the first of the month following termination from that employment.
(3) A member who is concurrently employed by two or more employers in qualifying positions as a police officer or firefighter and as other than a police officer or firefighter is employed as a police officer or firefighter for purposes of this rule.

Source: Rule 459-075-0200 — Retirement Eligibility for Police Officer and Firefighter Members, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-075-0200’s source at