OAR 461-101-0010
Program Acronyms and Overview


Acronyms are frequently used when referring to a program. There is an acronym for each umbrella program and acronyms for each subprogram.


When no program acronym appears in a rule in chapter 461 of these rules, the rule with no program acronym applies to all programs listed in this rule. If a rule does not apply to all programs, the rule uses program acronyms to identify the programs to which the rule applies.


Wherever an umbrella acronym appears, that means the rule covers all the subprograms under that code.


ABAWD; Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents. Participants ages at least 18 but not yet 50, with no child under 18 in their filing group (see OAR 461-110-0370 (Filing Group; SNAP)).


CAWEM; Citizen/Alien-Waived Emergent Medical. Medicaid coverage of emergent medical needs for individuals who are not eligible for other medical programs solely because they do not meet citizenship or noncitizen status requirements.


DSNAP; Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Following a presidential declaration of a major disaster in Oregon, DSNAP provides emergency DSNAP program benefits to victims. OAR 461-135-0491 (Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (DSNAP)) to 461-135-0497 (Household Liability in the DSNAP) cover DSNAP eligibility and benefits.


EA; Emergency Assistance. Emergency cash to families without the resources to meet emergent needs.


GA; General Assistance. Cash assistance to certain low-income individuals with disabilities.


HSP; Housing Stabilization Program. A program that helps low-income families obtain stable housing. The program is operated through the Housing and Community Services Department through community-based, service-provider agencies. The Department’s rules for the program (OAR 461-135-1305 to 461-135-1335) were repealed July 1, 2001.


JOBS; Job Opportunity and Basic Skills. An employment program for TANF participants. JOBS helps these individuals attain self-sufficiency through training and employment. The program is part of Welfare Reform.


JOBS Plus. JOBS Plus is a component of the JOBS Program; TANF-PLS is the acronym used for individuals in the JOBS Plus component. JOBS Plus provides subsidized jobs rather than SNAP or TANF benefits, for individuals receiving TANF and determined JOBS eligible. Eligibility for the JOBS Plus component is determined by the Department.


JPI; Job Participation Incentive. An additional $10 food benefit to help increase the ability of parents with children, who meet federal TANF participation rate, to meet the nutritional needs of their families.


LIS; Low-Income Subsidy. The Low-Income Subsidy program is a federal assistance program for Medicare recipients who are eligible for extra help meeting their Medicare Part D prescription drug costs.


OFSET. The Oregon Food Stamp Employment Transition Program, which helps SNAP program benefit recipients find employment. This program is mandatory for some SNAP program benefit recipients.


OSIP; Oregon Supplemental Income Program. Cash supplements and special need payments to individuals who are blind, have a disability, or are 65 years of age or older. When used alone, OSIP refers to all OSIP programs. The following acronyms are used for OSIP subprograms:


OSIP-AB; Oregon Supplemental Income Program — Aid to the Blind.


OSIP-AD; Oregon Supplemental Income Program — Aid to the Disabled.


OSIP-EPD; Oregon Supplemental Income Program — Employed Persons with Disabilities program. This program provides Medicaid coverage for employed persons with disabilities with adjusted income less than 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.


OSIP-OAA; Oregon Supplemental Income Program — Old Age Assistance.


OSIPM; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical. Medical coverage for individuals who are elderly or who have a disability. When used alone, OSIPM refers to all OSIP-related medical programs. The following codes are used for OSIPM subprograms:


OSIPM-AB; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical — Aid to the Blind.


OSIPM-AD; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical — Aid to the Disabled.


OSIPM-EPD; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical — Employed Persons with Disabilities program. This program provides Medicaid coverage for employed persons with disabilities with adjusted income less than 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Level.


OSIPM-OAA; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical — Old Age Assistance.


OSIPM-ICP; Oregon Supplemental Income Program Medical — Independent Choices Program.


The Post-TANF program provided a monthly transitional payment to employed individuals who were no longer eligible for the Pre-TANF or TANF programs due to earnings, and met the other eligibility requirements.


The Pre-TANF program is an up-front assessment and resource-search program for TANF applicant families. The intent of the program is to assess the individual’s employment potential; determine any barriers to employment or family stability; develop an individualized case plan that promotes family stability and financial independence; help individuals find employment or other alternatives; and provide basic living expenses immediately to families in need.


QMB; Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries. Programs providing payment of Medicare premiums and one program also providing additional medical coverage for Medicare recipients. Each of these programs also is considered to be a Medicare Savings Program (MSP). When used alone in a rule, QMB refers to all MSP. The following codes are used for QMB subprograms:


QMB-BAS; Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries — Basic. The basic QMB program.


QMB-DW; Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries — Disabled Worker. Payment of the Medicare Part A premium for individuals under age 65 who have lost eligibility for Social Security disability benefits because they have become substantially gainfully employed.


QMB-SMB; Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries — Specified Limited Medicare Beneficiary. Payment of the Medicare Part B premium only. There are no medical benefits available through QMB-SMB.


QMB-SMF; Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries — Qualified Individuals. Payment of the Medicare Part B premium only. There are no medical benefits available through QMB-SMF. This program has a 100-percent federal match, but also has an allocation that, if reached, results in the closure of the program.


REF; Refugee Assistance. Cash assistance to low-income refugee singles or married couples, without children, who are not eligible for the TANF program.


REFM; Refugee Assistance Medical. Medical coverage for low-income refugees who are not eligible for Medicaid.


REP; Refugee Employment Program. Any self-sufficiency service, employment service, or case plan that is available to or developed for individuals in the REF program.


The Repatriate Program helps Americans resettle in the United States if they have left a foreign land because of an emergency situation.


SFDNP; Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program. Food vouchers for low-income seniors. Funded by a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture.


SFPSS; State Family Pre-SSI/SSDI Program. A voluntary program providing cash assistance and case management services to families when at least one TANF eligible adult in the household has an impairment (see OAR 461-125-0260 (Impairment Criteria; SFPSS)) and is or will be applying for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).


SNAP; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Helps low-income households maintain proper nutrition by giving them the means to purchase food. SNAP used to be known as FS or Food Stamps; any reference to SNAP also includes FS and Food Stamps.


STEP; SNAP Training and Employment Program. A training and employment program for certain SNAP participants.


TA-DVS; Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors. Assistance for families where there is a current or future risk of further domestic violence.


TANF; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Cash assistance for families when children in those families are deprived of parental support because of continued absence, death, incapacity, or unemployment.

Source: Rule 461-101-0010 — Program Acronyms and Overview, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=461-101-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-101-0010’s source at